Biome = a major biological community that occurs over a large area – A BIG group of LIVING things – Different kinds of species – Large geographical area/ REGION
How are biomes commonly identified? Biomes are commonly identified by the Biome’s dominant plant species
2 major kinds of BIOMES Aquatic WATER Examples: – Ocean – Creek – River Terrestrial LAND Examples: –Forest –Desert –Grasslands
3 kinds of Aquatic Biomes Saltwater Ocean Marine Salt Lakes Freshwater Pond, lake, river Estuary Mix of fresh and saltwater Marsh/ICW
Aquatic Biomes and LIGHT LIGHT is a major resource when talking about aquatic biomes. 2 zones based on the AMOUNT of light: Photic light shallow water Aphotic no light deep water
How has the angler fish adapted to the aphotic zone?
Aquatic Biomes Plankton/Phytoplankton = small organisms that are the primary consumers/producers of aquatic biomes
2 most important factors in determining the BIOME 1.Temperature 2.Amount of Precipitation
6 major Terrestrial Biomes Tundra Taiga Temperate Forest Grassland Desert Tropical Rain Forest
Terrestrial Biomes: Where in the World? 1. Tundra 2. Taiga 5. Desert 6. Tropical Rain Forest Equator 3. Temperate Forest 4. Grassland North Pole
Biomes: Where in the world…?
Different Biomes Green and Black Text Book pgs Very brief description of each Biome Define any terms already in your notes Describe at least one adaptation for plants AND an animals in each biome List a plant and an animal that live in each biome
Tundra Northern/Polar regions Very cold temperatures (long winter/short summer) Permafrost = permanent layer of frost in the ground – only small plants can grow
Taiga Mountainous regions with mostly conifers Cold winters, cool/short summer Conifer = mainly pines
Temperate Forest Clearly defined seasons – Mild winters/warm summers Some conifers, but mostly deciduous trees Deciduous Tree = tree that loses its leaves in the fall (oak, maple)
We live in THIS biome!
Grassland Dry summer/cool winter Mostly grasses and shrubs Grazing animals AKA “savannah”
Desert Very little rain (<3cm/yr) Hot days/Cold nights Animal adaptations: – Nocturnal = move/hunt at night to avoid heat – Burrow = live in hole to avoid heat – Must conserve water!
Tropical Rainforest Rains almost daily Located very close to equator (most sun) – No seasons Most “biodiverse”: greatest variety of organisms in an area
Biome Booklet Time! This brochure should be directed toward 5 th graders. Your goal is to educate them on the six different terrestrial (land) biomes: – Tundra, Taiga, Desert, Grasslands, Temperate Forest, and Tropical Rain Forest. Try to find creative and interesting ways to represent the following information using one page per biome.
Biome Booklet Global location/ Description Climate/ Seasonal Extremes Average rainfall Animals (minimum of 2) Plants (minimum of 1-2) Interesting facts (minimum of 2) **Include a decorative cover for your brochure!!!*** Use pictures/drawings/collage***
Biome Booklet Grading Rubric Content / 70 points (see above) Creativity / 20 points Neatness/ 10 points Total / 100 points 10 points will be deducted for each day past the due date it is LATE!