8th Grade PEP Career Exploration
Overview Learn Colorado Career Cluster Model Log into College in Colorado Complete the College in Colorado Career Cluster Survey Record top Career Clusters in your Career Fair Booklet Find the Industry Sector (and color) in which your Career Cluster belongs and record it in your Career Fair Booklet Explore careers by education level and earning potential; complete worksheet Record top career interests in “Your Portfolio” and your Career Fair Booklet
Career Cluster Model College & Career Readiness Agriculture & Natural Resources Energy Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communication Information Technology Management & Administration Marketing Finance Government & Public Administration Agricultural & Natural Resources Business & Public Administration STEM, Arts, Design & Information Technology College & Career Readiness Hospitality, Human Services & Education Skilled Trades & Technical Sciences Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Education & Training Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Architecture & Construction Manufacturing Health Sciences & Public Safety Health Science Law, Public Safety & Security
Career Cluster Descriptions
Career Cluster Model Career Clusters provide a way to organize careers related to your interests. Research shows that even though most people change careers many times throughout their life, they typically stay within the same cluster. Knowing your top career clusters will help you create a roadmap or “Plan of Study” to help you achieve your college and career goals.
Career Cluster Model The upcoming district-wide Career Fair will be organized by Career Cluster and Industry Sector. You may not attend the Career Fair if you do not complete the Career Cluster Survey.
Go to www.collegeincolorado.org Sign in using the information below: Click “Sign In” dps482679 (dps + student ID number) 040900 (6 digit birthday, mmddyy)
Some students may be prompted to answer a few questions before they may begin. Examples: Select your grade (8th Grade) Find and select your school name Answer a security question (e.g. What is my mother’s name?) Agree to all terms and conditions
Click “Get Started” Click “Learn About Yourself” Click “Career Cluster Survey” Instruct student to wait to get started until you complete the directions so they know what to do if they finish early. Click “Get Started”
Once you complete the survey, use your Career Fair booklet to record your top Career Cluster Please list your top Career Cluster Architecture_&Construction (example only) If you want, you can also post career examples by cluster around the room for students to search and find their cluster and color. For already created documents and signs, visit: http://secure.collegeincolorado.org/images/cic/pdfs/Resources/publications/compiled_cluster_sheets.pdf
Please list your Career Cluster group color Cluster Color: Orange Use your handout to find your career cluster group color Please list your Career Cluster group color _Orange___ (example only)
After you record your result, click on the bar graph of the Cluster to learn more.
First, read the Introduction to learn more about this Career Cluster Next, click on the “Careers” tab to view a list of careers in this cluster Then click “Sort by Education Level” Choose one career per education level to record by “Career” on your Careers by Education worksheet Careers by Education High school or GED 1-2 years training Bachelor’s degree Professional degree Career______________ Career _____________ Career ____________ Career ____________ Salary______________ Salary _____________ Salary ____________ Salary ____________ Surgeon
Click into your careers of interest Click on “Money And Outlook” Record the average annual wage next to “Salary” on your Careers by Education worksheet Careers by Education High school or GED 1-2 years training Bachelor’s degree Professional degree Career______________ Career _____________ Career ____________ Career _____________ Salary______________ Salary _____________ Salary ____________ Salary _____________ $223,200