Port Hacking High School ROSA Information Night Monday 23 rd February 2015
What is a ROSA? Recognition of Student Achievement. Awarded to a student who satisfactorily completes Year 10 Year 11 Students are awarded a grade from A to E for all of the subjects that they have completed satisfactorily.
The ROSA is awarded to students who; Follow and satisfactorily complete a pattern of courses required by the BOS Apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort in their studies
How are school grades awarded? All subjects have an assessment schedule that is published in the Assessment booklet – with the green cover Students are advised to transfer this information into their school diaries for each of their subjects.
COURSE GRADES ABCDEABCDE awarded by the school Based on the BOS course performance descriptors. These are in the green assessment booklet.
Attendance Rate 85%
N Awards Not followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board Not applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school Has not addressed some or all of the course outcomes Non attendance at or no serious attempt at one of the School Certificate exams
Illness/ Misadventure. If a student is unable to sit an assessment task or an examination then they may apply for illness/misadventure. There is a school form – a copy of which is in the Green Booklet or can be obtained from a Head Teacher, the Year Advisor or Deputy Principal.
N Warning Letters When a student misses a task or is not completing their work in class to a satisfactory level the class teacher will send home an ‘n’ warning letter. This gives the student the opportunity to complete their classwork. Students need to show their class teacher the completed work and the n warning letter will be ‘redeemed’.
How to apply for Illness/Misadventure If your son or daughter is absent on the day of the task, ring the school and speak to, or leave a message for the Head Teacher of that subject. The student obtains and completes a school illness/misadventure form. Supporting documentation – usually a doctor’s certificate is required.
Special Provisions Students who need additional time, access to computers or special examinations papers – i.e. large print, can apply for special provisions. The application form is available from Mr Papangelis – the Head Teacher Welfare
Yearly Exams Occur in Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 4. In 2015 this is from 2 nd November to 13 th November. The school will do a timetable for exams early in Term 4.
All My Own Work All students in Year 11 need to have completed All My Own Work. AMOW. This is a module that educates students on plagarism, cheating and malpractice. At PHHS, Year 10 students complete this after the yearly exams.
Leaving School?? If a student plans to leave school then they can sit a Board of Studies Literacy and Numeracy test. The drawback is that these are not available all year – the BOS opens ‘Windows’ so if you are planning on leaving and want to do it – see your Deputy Principal.
Monday 7th December 2015 School Formal Wednesday 9 th December 2015 School Sports Presentation Assembly Friday 11 th December 2015 School Presentation Day Wednesday 16 th December 2015 Last Day for Students.
More information? Board of Studies website: