January 8, 2015 West Seattle STEM PTA Mary Bannister, Julie Schmick and Ben Ostrom
Why Smarter Balanced? Washington State adopted the Common Core Standards. Common Core Standard attainment will be assessed via
Whoo will be assessed? The Smarter Balanced Assessment will be administered to students in grades 3 – 8 and 11. Me?
What will be assessed? Reading Writing Listening Mathematics 5 th grade will continue to use MSP for Science Assessment!
When will my student be assessed?
How will my student be assessed? Smarter Balanced is an online assessment. Students will take it via computers at school. We will design a computer schedule to give students the time they need to take the assessment.
MSP - Out with the Old SBAC – In with the New Grades 3-8 Test Booklet Computer Adaptive Test or CAT delivered on computer. Performance Task or PT - Must have a lesson (approx. 30 min.) taught in the classroom 1-3 days in advance of seeing the PT. PT is delivered on the computer with a 30 minute presentation and then students respond to the task directly on computers. CAT and PT are both parts of Math and ELA Math – All grades Reading – All gradesReading – All grades but combined into English Language Arts/Literacy or ELA SPS. “SBAC Overview for Family Symposium.” Fall accessed 5 January Web.
MSP - Out with the Old SBAC – In with the New Grades 3-8 Writing – Grades 4 and 7 Writing – All grades but combined into English Language Arts/Literacy or ELA. Only one “prompt” for each grade level similar to MSP but not exactly the same. No listeningListening – All grades but combined into English Language Arts/Literacy or ELA. Headphones required. Science – Grades 5 & 8 – SameNo science School Test Coordinator Training focused on protocol for proctors and coding of booklets. School Test Coordinator Training focused on Online Management Tool (similar to online MSP) and protocol and logistics – tickets/login/student navigation of embedded tools. School- wide schedule? Who proctors? SPS. “SBAC Overview for Family Symposium.” Fall accessed 5 January Web.
MSP - Out with the Old SBAC – In with the New Grades 3-8 Set district schedule Flexible schedule set by schools within the last 12 weeks of school. District approval required. Will take a lot of building planning for schedule with computers for both CAT and PT. Untimed, but must finish in 1 day. Untimed Scheduled over multiple days for each CAT and PT or in a block schedule: CAT is done in one day PT on another day PT must finish within 5 days of computer presentation CAT will be active after login up to 45 days. Test taking skills - all paper/pencil Test taking skills: 1.To use embedded tools – practice tests are online 2.Keyboarding skills SPS. “SBAC Overview for Family Symposium.” Fall accessed 5 January Web.
What if I want more information? Seattle Public Schools has an overview for families. ms/ /File/SBAC%20Overview%20(For%20Families).pdf? sessionid=f a9a3987ad076f7d408b6eb7b and Smarter Balanced provided this parent sheet “Preparing Students for Success.” content/uploads/2012/03/Smarter-Balanced-Parents- Factsheet.pdf
What can I do as a parent? Acknowledge that this is a new and CHALLENGING format! Encourage your student to persist and do their personal best! Make certain your student is well rested during the assessment window. Provide a water-bottle to keep your student hydrated and healthy snacks for brain-food. Have your student practice their touch typing skills at home with programs such as DanceMat Typing and the new Typing Agent!DanceMat Typing Typing Agent! FYI – In Typing Agent Students' usernames will be first initial, middle initial, and last name. Password: seattle
Resources OSPI. “Washington State Smarter Balanced Consortium. accessed 25 November Web. Smarter Balanced Consortium. accessed 25 November Web. Smarter Balanced Consortium. content/uploads/2012/09/performance-tasks/animal-performance.pdfhttp:// content/uploads/2012/09/performance-tasks/animal-performance.pdf accessed 25 November Web. Smarter Balanced Digital Library. accessed 25 November Web. SPS. “Not Your Parents’ Bubble Sheets.” Fall Print. SPS. “SBAC Overview for Family Symposium.” Fall ?&gid= &sessionid=1aa87ec831c353e8f6092c8596bff0d5 accessed 5 January Web. ?&gid= &sessionid=1aa87ec831c353e8f6092c8596bff0d5 SPS. “Smarter Balanced.” accessed 25 November Web. SPS. “Wall Calendar.” OPT.pdf?&sessionid=63c88b5398c7742a f accessed 25 November Web. OPT.pdf?&sessionid=63c88b5398c7742a f