Juliana Zhu (Zhu lao shi ) Come from Hangzhou, China 7 th year teaching Mandarin in SCIS Please introduce yourself to the class. What is your name? Where do you come from? What ‘s your Chinese learning experience ? 自我介绍 Self Introduction
SY Instructor: Juliana Zhu
Individual and Society Appearance and character; Daily routines; Education; Food and Drink; Physical health; Relationships; Shopping. Leisure and Work Employment; Entertainment; Holidays; Media; Transport; Technology; Sport. Urban and Rural Environment Emergencies; Environmental concerns; Neighborhood; Physical Geography; Town and Services; Weather. Topics
Assessment External Assessment 75% Paper 1 (1 hour and 30 minutes): Receptive skills 30% Paper 2 (1 hour): Productive skills 25% Written assignment (2 hours): Receptive and productive skills 20% Internal Assessment 25% Individual oral (10 minutes): Interactive skills
External Assessment (EA) part 1 Paper 1 Receptive Skills 1.5 hours 30% 40 marks To assess, through a variety of exercises, the student’s ability to read and understand a range of authentic texts. Deduce the meaning of words from their context Understand grammatical structures and functions Be aware of the cohesive devices that give coherence to a text The text booklet consists of four texts, and Q&A booklet contains up to 40 text-handing questions. True or false exercises Multiple-choice Short-answer Table-filling Gap-filling Matching
External Assessment (EA) part 2 Paper 2 Productive Skills 1 hour 25% 20 marks Section A: Short writing task 7 marks Student answer one question from a choice of two Flyer, Blog, , Invitation, List, Menu, Message, Notice, Poster. A minimum of 50 words, 60 Mandarin characters. Section B: Extended writing task 18 marks Student answer one question from a choice of three Article, Blog, Brochure, Diary, , Online entry, Essay, Interview, Letter, Report, Review, Speech A minimum of 100 words, 120 Mandarin characters.
External Assessment (EA) part 3
Internal Assessment (IA) Individual Oral Productive Skills 10 min Plus 15 min of preparation 25% Supervised preparation time 15min The student receives two previously unseen stimuli and selects one for the presentation. Working notes can be made at this stage. Part I: Presentation 1-2 min Part II: Questions 2-3 min Part III: Conversation 4-5 min At least two questions on the written assignment followed by general conversation on a broad range of topics.
Texts and Resources Integrated Chinese textbook and workbook Authentic materials Chinese songs and movies Websites: quizlet, wordpress, nichiku…
Class blog: https: // teachersh.scis- his.net/juliana_zhu/ Student Support