Chapter 1: Introduction of International Trade 1.The Characteristics of International Trade 2.The Type of International Trade 3. 出進口廠商的設立
Section 1: The characteristics of International Trade 1. different languages 2. different laws and rules 3. higher difficulty in market and credit investigation 4. more complicated in the procedure of cargo transportation 5. higher risks
Section 2: The Type of International Trade 1. Direct Trade ( 直接貿易 ) (1) Export Trade (2) Import Trade (3) Import & Export processing Trade 2. Indirect Trade ( 間接貿易 ) (1) Triangular Trade ( 三角貿易 ) (2) Intermediary Trade ( 轉口貿易 )
1. Direct Trade (1) Export Trade ( 出口貿易) : payment in advance ( 預付貨款)
1. Direct Trade (2) Import Trade ( 進口貿易) : payment after delivery( 延付貨款)
1. Direct Trade (3) Import & Export processing Trade: Negotiation ( 裝貨付款)
2. Indirect Trade (1) Triangular Trade
2. Indirect Trade (2) Intermediary Trade
Section 3: 出進口廠商的設立 1. 營利事業登記證:地方政府 2. 公司執照:經濟部( MOEA) 商業司 3. 出進口廠商(貿易商)登記: 國貿局 (Board of Foreign Trade; BOFT) (1) 英文名稱預查 (2) 出進口廠商登記
Chapter 2: The preparing for International Trade 1. Market Investigation 2. Search for our customers 3. Credit Investigation
Section 1:Market Investigation 1.purpose: search for the target market 2.path: (1) (2) other internet website
Section 2: Search for our customers 1. our Homepage trade center show 4. visit customers 5. professional magazine 6. sent letter or 7. others
Section 3: Credit Investigation 1. purpose: avoid claim 2. path: via customer ’ s correspondent bank 3. required information: (1) date of establishment & president (2) line of business (3) the net worth (4) the annual business volume (5) the credit rating & record of payment
Chapter 3 : The flowchart of International Trade 1. sign contract 2. payment: remittance( 國際匯兌) 3. delivery (shipment) : 4. Insurance: Insurance Company 5. customs clearance : Customs
Section 1: The Determinants of the flowchart 1. The Type of International Trade: Direct Trade v. s. Indirect Trade 2. The Payment Terms (1) Payment in advance (2) Payment after delivery (3) Negotiation 3. The Price Terms: CIF (or CIP) v. s. others 4. Governmental Rules: PSI? Permit license?
1.The Type of International Trade (1) Indirect Trade: Triangular Trade (including seller 、 middleman and buyer)( p.60) (2) Direct Trade: others (including seller and buyer) (p.44 、 55 、 57 、 62 、 63)
2. The Payment terms 1. Payment in advance: by T/T (電匯) payment before delivery 2. Payment after delivery: (1)D/A( 承兌交單) (2)D/P( 付款交單) (3)O/A (記帳) 3. Negotiation: L/C
3. The Price Terms 1. CIF 、 CIP: Insurance( 保費): seller ’ s obligation 2. group E 、 group F 、 group C: Insurance : buyer ’ s obligation 3. group D: Insurance: seller ’ s obligation
4. Governmental rules 1. PSI (pre-shipment investigation) 2. Permit License: (1) Export Permit License (2) Import Permit License
Chapter 4: INCOTERMS 2000 ( 國貿條規) 1. The Rules of Contract 2. The determinants of INCOTERMS (1)Cost & Expenditure (2)Risk of Transfer (3)Shipping Documents (4)Customs Clearance 3. The Type of INCOTERMS The both parties ’ obligations of INCOTERMS 2000
Section 1: The Rules of Contract 1. The International Commercial Terms 2. revised by ICC (International Chamber of Commerce ;國際商會) —1953—1967—1976—1980— 1990—1999(1/1/2000 生效)
3.The Type of INCOTERMS group E : Departure( 起運 ) ( … named place) (1)EXW (Ex Works; 工廠交貨條件 ) 2. group F : Main Carriage Unpaid( 主段運費未付 ) ( … named place or port of shipment) (1)FCA (Free Carrier; 貨交運送人條件 ) (2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship; 船邊交貨價 ) (3)FOB (Free On Board; 船上交貨價 )
3.The Type of INCOTERMS group C: Main Carriage Paid( 主段運費付訖 ) ( … named place or port of destination) (1)CFR (Cost and Freight; 運費在內條件 ) (2)CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight; 運費保險費在內條件 ) (3)CPT (Carriage Paid To; 運費付訖條件 ) (4)CIP (Carriage, Insurance Paid To; 運費保險費付訖條件 )
3.The Type of INCOTERMS group D: Arrival( 抵達 ) ( … named place of destination) (1)DAF (Delivered At Frontier; 邊境交貨價 ) (2)DES (Delivered Ex Ship; 目的港船上交貨價 ) (3)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay; 目的港碼頭交貨價 ) (4)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid; 稅前交貨價 ) (5)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid; 關稅付訖交貨價 )
4. The both parties ’ obligation of INCOTERMS 2000 Item The seller mustThe buyer must 1Provision of goods in conformity with the contract Payment of the price 2Licenses, authorizations and formalities 3Contract of carriage and insurance 4 DeliveryTaking delivery 5Transfer of risks
4. The both parties ’ obligation of INCOTERMS 2000 Item The seller mustThe buyer must 6Division of costs 7Notice to the buyerNotice to the seller 8Proof of delivery, transport Document or equivalent Electronic message 9Checking, packaging, Marking Inspection of goods 10Other obligations
Chapter 5: Contract 1. 貿易契約之定義 2. 貿易契約簽訂方式 3. 貿易契約簽訂原則 4. 貿易契約格式
Section 1: 貿易契約之定義 是指二人或二人以上當事人就法律上可 能強行之權利與義務達成合意所簽訂之 書面證據。
Section 2: 貿易契約簽訂方式 1. Contract ( 契約書方式 ) 2. Sales Confirmation ( 確認書方式 ) 3. Agreement on General Terms and Conditions of Business ( 交易協議書)
Section 3: 貿易契約簽訂原則 1. 誠信原則 2. 先小人後君子:文字明確且具體 3. 契約內容符合法令 4. 契約的一致性 5. 訂約者的法律效力 6. 訂約者須簽名
Section 4: 貿易契約格式 1. Title( 契約名稱 ) 2. Preamble( 前言 ) 3. Body of Contract( 本文 ) (1)Basic Terms and Conditions (2)General Terms and Conditions 4. Witness Clause ( 結語 )