Modeling and Analysis of Picking Warehouses Using Simio Jeff Smith Industrial and Systems Engineering Auburn University This chapter replaces chapters 1 & 2 of the standard course for use with experienced simulationists. Chapter 2 - Introduction to Simio
Simio Learning Resources Videos ( Publications Introduction to Simio (Included PDF and downloadable seven-part video series) Joines, J.A. and Roberts, S.D., Simulation Modeling with SIMIO: A Workbook Kelton, W.D., J.S. Smith, and D.T. Sturrock Simio & Simulation: Modeling, Analysis, Applications When getting to know Simio, the key place to start is the Support Ribbon. Resources to learn about Simio, interact with others, and get technical support Discuss: SimBits & other Learning Simio Items Shared Items, User Forum
Key Simio Object Concepts Defines data, logic, behavior, view, events, and interaction with other objects. Model: An object that is executable. Project: A collection of models/objects. A project can be loaded as a library. Properties: Static inputs to an object. States: Changeable values associated with an object Events: Supports communication between objects. Fired when key things happen. Resource: Constrains the system. Any object (even an entity) may be a resource. Entity: A dynamic object that may move through system Transporter: An entity that can “work on” or carry other entities. Vehicles and Workers are entities (and resources). These concepts are central to understanding Simio’s object model <click>A project is a collection of 1 or more models which are themselves just objects. <click>Properties, states, and events, are key characteristics of objects <click>While Simio’s definition of resource is similar, the concept is much more flexible and useful. Vehicles and Workers are essentially moveable resources “on steroids” (great capabilities)
Simio User Interface Files Menu Ribbons Project Tabs Libraries Project Current Model Properties Facility View <Open Simio> <Review UI> App Menu – Load, Save, Examples, SimBits Ribbons – switch based on context, extended tool tips, minimize Project Tabs – for switching between windows associated with the selected project object Std Library – 1 set of objects, you can build your own Start Page – Links to valuable resources and your software version Project Navigation– for switching between the objects you are working on Properties – describe the objects you are working with <Support Ribbon>
Standard Library Source: Generate entities of a specified type and arrival pattern. Sink: Destroy entities. Server: Capacitated process, such as a machine. Workstation: Capacitated process, includes setup, process, tear-down. Combiner: Batches entities with a parent entity (e.g., pallet). Separator: Splits batches or copies entities. Resource: Seized/Released by objects. Vehicle: Fixed route or on-demand pickups/drop-offs. Worker: Moveable resource, for stationary and non-stationary tasks. BasicNode: Simple intersection, fixed object input. TransferNode: Change destination/get rides, fixed object output. Connector: Zero travel time. Path: Entities independently move at their own speeds. TimePath: Entities complete travel in a specified time. Conveyor: Accumulating/non-accumulating conveyor devices. Most models will be built using these 15 objects. Each object has basic capabilities and advanced capabilities Each object can be customized with add-on processes Each object is open and can be derived from and modified There are 5 basic grouping of objects: <click>Entity creation and destruction <click>Servers (machines) <click>Resources <click>Nodes <click>Links Chapter 2 - Introduction to Simio
Simple Flow Line Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Let’s now build a simple model to illustrate some of these concepts. --Open Simio and select New Model. --Drag and place the Source, two Servers, a Sink, and a ModelEntity --Double click on the Path object to enter path drawing mode and connect the nodes. Escape in the drawing space to terminate path drawing mode. --Click on the Run button on the left side of the Run ribbon and you will see your model start executing The green triangles are entities that represent the customers moving through the system. Note that each server has three green lines representing animations of the queues owned by the server. You can pause and restart the simulation, or stop the execution of the model. You can also step an entity at a time, fast-forward the run without the animation, or reset the model back to its starting conditions. You can perform graphical edits such as moving a Server, adding a new path, etc., while the model is running, but you must stop the simulation to change any of the object properties – Properties can’t change value during the simulation run.
Object Hierarchy - The Family of “Objects” Object Runspace (Realization) Object Instance Object Definition Show the Simio Help – look up “Object Hierarchy” and discuss the details. (Lots of good stuff in that help topic, plus this illustrates the value of using Help). Will discuss this again later in the course – I’ve found this topic especially tricky with students. Definition … Instance … Runspace (Realization) :
Simple Flow Line - Details Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Update the model to reflect the tandem queueing model parameters Source: Random.Exponential(2.4) minutes Server 1: Random.Exponential(2) minutes Server 2: Random.Exponential(1.71) minutes Run length: 100 hrs. Run in Interactive mode. Show Results (pivot grid) (ρ) Utilization of a server, or of a group of parallel identical servers, the time-average number of individual servers in the group who are busy (L) Number of entities in system, including in queue plus in service (W) Time in system, including time in queue plus service time
Editing Object Properties Displayed in Properties Window Defined by object builder Integers, Booleans, rules, expressions, … Expression editor (down arrow at right): Whenever you select an object in the facility (by clicking on it) the properties of the selected object are displayed for editing in the Property window in the Browse panel on the right. The properties for an object are defined by the designer of that object. The properties may be different types such as strings, numbers, selections from a list, and expressions. For example the Ranking Rule for the Server is selected from a drop down list and the Processing Time is specified as an expression. For expression fields an expression builder simplifies the process of entering complex expressions. When you click in an expression field a small button with a down arrow appears on the right. Clicking on this button opens the expression builder. Random distributions, Math Functions Object functions may also be referenced by function name. A function is a value that is internally maintained or computed by Simio and can be used in an expression but cannot be assigned by the user. For example all objects have function named ID that returns a unique integer for all active objects in the model. Note that in the case of dynamic entities the ID numbers are reused to avoid generating very large numbers for an ID. If you type an invalid entry into a property field the field turns a salmon color and the error window will automatically open at the bottom. If you double-click on the error in the error window it will then automatically take you to the property field where the error exists. Once you correct the error the error window will automatically close.
“Top 10” Expressions X (a number – integer or real) Random.Exponential(mean) Random.Triangular(min, mode, max) Random.Uniform(min, max) ServerName.Capacity.ScheduledUtilization ServerName.InputBuffer.Contents DefaultEntity.Population.TimeInSystem.Average DefaultEntity.Population.NumberInSystem.Average SinkName.InputBuffer.NumberEntered SinkName.TimeInSystem.Average
Simple Flow Line – Expressions Source1 Interarrival Time: Random.Exponential(2.4) Server1 Processing Time: Random.Exponential(2) Server2 Processing Time: Random.Exponential(1.7)
Simple Flow Line - Experiment Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Run the model interactively, discuss, show the pivot grid Create an experiment, discuss, run 10 replications, show the pivot grid Create a View called Base Filter: Data item: Number in System, Time in System, Scheduled Utilization Statistic: Average, Average (Hrs), Percent Point out and discuss the two observations of Time in System (the Model Entity population and the Sink) Create a ‘View’ of the filtered pivot grid. Remove the filters and illustrate going back to the view.
Simple Flow Line – Responses Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart A Response is an expression that is evaluated (and displayed) at the end of each replication. The pivot grid (object name, category and data item) is a good source of information Create responses for UtilS1, UtilS2, NIS, TIS and run the experiment --Server1.Capacity.ScheduledUtilization --Server2.Capacity.ScheduledUtilization --DefaultEntity.Population.NumberInSystem.Average --Sink1.TimeInSystem.Average (Unit Type: Time, Units: Hours)
Simple Flow Line – SMORE Plots Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Simio Measure Of Risk and Error Demonstrate the options on 10 reps. Run for 100 or so reps and watch the SMORE plot.
Simple Flow Line – Throughput Response Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Create a response to measure throughput. First step, define exactly what we mean by throughput. Throughput === number of customers that leave the system / unit time
Buffers and Referenced Properties Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Convert the paths to connectors (just a convenience – the paths act as buffers and we don’t want that yet). Set the all buffer capacities to 0 Run the experiment, update the property values, see the effect on throughput …
Buffers and Referenced Properties Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Create referenced properties for the two input buffer capacities. Show the Control properties for the model. Update experiment with multiple scenarios – different control values.
Buffers and Referenced Properties Server 1 Arrive Server 2 Depart Create referenced properties for the two buffer capacities. Set objectives for Thput and TIS – use Subset Selection. Mention that OptQuest is there and we’ll come back to it …. Depending on the audience, add referenced properties for the server processing times (model-03) – Good time for a “lab/exercise” using different Simio distributions for the processing time properties: Help : Expression Editor, Functions, and Distributions : Distributions
Simple Picking Warehouse
Pickers Fork Lift Walk speed: 1 meter/sec Pick time: Uniform(10, 20) sec Pack time: Triangular(.5, 2, 3.5) min Fork Lift Travel speed: 1.5 meters/sec Load time: Uniform(5, 10) sec Unload time: Uniform(20, 30) sec
Racks 45 m 30 pick positions in each rack (approximate using 15 evenly spaced locations) Decisions: Number of pickers Number of pack stations Number of forklifts