The Differences Between Prisms and Pyramids
The sides are triangles which meet at the top (the apex) PYRAMIDS PRISMS The base is a polygon (straight-sided flat shape such as triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon) The sides are triangles which meet at the top (the apex) A solid object that has two identical ends and all flat sides The two identical sides could be: triangles, rectangles, etc. The shape of the ends gives the prism its name For example, a “triangular prism” has triangular ends
RECTANGULAR PYRAMID VS. PRISM RECTANGLES RECTANGLE Shape of base: rectangle Shape of bases: rectangle Overall shape: pyramid Overall shape: rectangle
TRIANGULAR PYRAMID VS. PRISM TRIANGLES TRIANGLE Shape of base: triangle Shape of bases: rectangle Overall shape: pyramid Overall shape: triangle
PENTAGONAL PYRAMID VS. PRISM PENTAGONS PENTAGON Shape of base: pentagon Shape of bases: pentagon Overall shape: pentagon Overall shape: pyramid
HEXAGONAL PYRAMID VS. PRISM Shape of base: hexagon Shape of bases: hexagon Overall shape: pyramid Overall shape: hexagon