Function Generator Dr. Fotowat & Dr. Kavehvash Prepared by Mostafa Hosseini
Pulse to Triangular Voltage Circuit:
Pulse to Triangular Voltage :
Simple Circuit (pulse to triangular):
Too simple circuit (pulse to triangular): Input : H > output increase Input : L------> output decrease
Buffer (FET):
Buffer circuit : Infinite impedance Zero-DC shift
Frequency Range Circuit:
Triangular to Sin Voltage Circuit :
When amplitude of triangular voltage increase--->first D112:on --->R=R159+R166 By increasing amplitude--->D111:on --->R=[(R158+R165)||R159]+R166. As you see, gain decrease and our triangular voltage has been converted to sin voltage.
Simple simulation:
Simple Circuit (Triangular to Sin Voltage) : By Changing Gain(when input increase, gain decrease)We Can Convert Triangular to Sin Voltage.
Function Generator generate pulse, sin and triangular voltage continuously …
Choose a Wave-Form Amplifier Choose output range 10dB,20dB,40dB
Circuit of Wave-Form Select :
Output Amplifier:
Circuit of output range (10dB,20dB,40dB) :
Function Generator needs DC voltage for biasing. So we should provide DC voltage by Regulator. We use MC7815 and MC7805 to provide -15V & -5V. Also for +15V and +5V, MC7915 and MC7905 has been used. The blow circuit has been designed for providing +10V & -10V.
+10V & -10V DC Voltage Circuit :