Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction CMPUT 466/551 Nilanjan Ray Prepared on materials from the book Non-linear dimensionality reduction By Lee and Verleysen, Springer, 2007
Agenda What is dimensionality reduction? Linear methods – Principal components analysis – Metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) Non-linear methods – Distance preserving – Topology preserving – Auto-encoders (Deep neural networks)
Dimensionality Reduction Mapping d-dimensional data points y to p-dimensional vectors x; p < d. Purposes – Visualization – Classification/regression Most of the times we are only interested in the forward mapping y to x. The backward mapping is difficult in general. If the forward and the backward mappings are linear they method is called linear, else it is called non-linear dimensionality reduction technique.
Two Benchmark Manifolds
Distance Preserving Methods Let’s say the points y i are mapped to x i, i=1,2,…,N. Distance preserving methods try to preserve pair wise distances, i.e., d(y i, y j ) = d(x i, x j ), or the pair wise dot products, =. What is a distance? Nondegeneracy: d(a, b) = 0 if and only if a = b Triangular inequality: for any three points a, b, and c, d(a, b) d(c, a) + d(c, b) Other two properties, nonnegativity and symmetry follows from these two
Metric MDS A multidimensional scaling (MDS) method is a linear generative model like PCA: y’s are d-dimensional observed variable and x’s are p-dimensional latent variable W is a matrix with the property: So, dot product is preserved. How about Euclidean distances? Let Then So, Euclidean distances are preserved too!
Metric MDS Algorithm Center data matrix Y; and compute dot product matrix S = Y T Y If data matrix is not available, only distance matrix D is available, do double centering to form scalar matrix: Compute eigenvalue decomposition S = U U T Construct p-dimensional representation as: Metric MDS is actually PCA and is a linear method
Metric MDS Result
Sammon’s Nonlinear Mapping (NLM) NLM minimizes the energy function: Start with initial x’s Update x’s by x k,i is the k th component of vector x i (quasi-Newton update)
Sammon’s NLM
A Basic Issue with Metric Distance Preserving Methods Geodesic distances seem to be better suited
Graph Distance: Approximation to Geodesic Distance
ISOMAP ISOMAP = MDS with graph distance Needs to decide how the graph is constructed: who is the neighbor of whom K closest rule or -distance rule can build a graph
KPCA Closely related to MDS algorithm KPCA using Gaussian kernel
Topology Preserving Techniques Topology Neighborhood relationship Topology preservation means two neighboring points in d-dimensions should map to two neighboring points in p-dimension Distance preservation is too often too rigid; topology preservation techniques can sometimes stretch or shrink point clouds More flexible; algorithmically more complex
TP Techniques Can be categorized broadly into – Methods with predefined topology SOM (Kohonen’s self-organizing map) – Data driven lattice LLE (locally linear embedding) Isotop…
Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) Step 1: Define a 2D lattice indexed by (l, k): l, k =1,…K. Step 2: For a set of data vectors y i, i=1,2,…,N, find a set of prototypes m(l, k). Note that by this indexing (l, k), the prototypes are mapped to the 2D lattice. Step 3: Iterate for each data y i : 1.Find the closest prototype m (using Euclidean distance in the d-dimensional space): 2.Update prototypes: (prepared from [HTF] book)
Neighborhood Function for SOM A hard threshold function: Or, a soft threshold function:
Example: Simulated data
SOM for “Swiss Roll” and “Open Box”
Remarks SOM is actually a constrained k-means – Constrains K-means clusters on a smooth manifold – If only one neighbor (itself) is allowed => K-means Learning rate ( ) and distance threshold ( ) usually decrease with training iterations Mostly useful for a visualization tool: typically it cannot map to more than 3 dimensions Convergence is hard to assess
Locally Linear Embedding Data driven lattice, unlike SOM on predefined lattice Topology preserving: it is based on conformal mapping, which is a transformation that preserves angles; LLE is invariant to rotation, translation and scaling To some extent similar to preserving dot-product A data point y i is assumed to be a linear combination of its neighbors
LLE Principle Each data point y is a local linear combination: Neighborhood of y i : determined by a graph Constraints on w ij : LLE first computes the matrix W by minimizing E. Then it assumes that in the low dimensions the same local linear combination holds: So, it minimizes F with respect to x’s: obtains low dimensional mapping!
LLE Results Let’s visit: