British Trade and Empire Was it something we can be proud of?
CAPTAIN JAMES COOK hero or zero This is captain James cook He had many voyages He was involved in trade & empire But was he really a good guy Were about to find out
Captain James cook info Exploration was hazardous There could be a fire on the ship or there might be a disease going round Lots of slaves died
Captain James cook info If cook had not discovered stuff like tea, coffee etc we would not have it Britain would be very different
Opium Wars First Opium war 1839 – 42 {Britain – China} Second {Britain,France – China} Known as Arrow war
Facts about Opium Very dangerous if taken in large quantities Mostly grown in China Different forms available Highly addictive
Risks Police {criminals} Execution Death
Where In China mostly British smugglers Chinese addicts
The Opium Wars Opium is a drug grown in India British wanted tea Only get it in paying in silver
The Beginning Telescope given to Emperor Chien-Lung Given along with £85000 pounds worth of gifts Chinese Emperor still said no
The Battles Started in 1839 Chinese no match for British firepower Ended in treaty of Nanking
The Beginning of the End Opium prices went down Traders could not get profit Less and less traders started to visit It will always be remembered as the Opium wars
At first, the native Indians were used as slaves but overwork, disease, ill-treatment and in some cases mass suicides, led to their extinction. Then they tried people from: Senegal, and other African countries, Caribbean And a few more places!!! SLAVERY
The British people needed the slaves to help them farm their new crops on their new land. They farmed: Tobacco Cotton Corn Sugar Chocolate Why did we need Slaves?
Weapons England Africa India Slaves Cotton
British Trade and Empire Was it something we can be proud of?