Minerals EQ: How are minerals a part of rocks?
What is a Mineral? DEF: A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure & a definite chemical composition. Example: Quartz
Naturally-occurring Never man-made Ex: Like rocks
Inorganic: Means the mineral cannot come from things that were once living Non Example: Coal – it is organic because it comes from plants that lived millions of years ago.
Solid A 3-D geometric figure Not a liquid or a gas!
Crystal: The repeating pattern of particles, line up when they form Like a snowflake pattern or rock candy
6 Different Crystal Systems: Cubic Ex: Magnetite HexagonalEx: Quartz TetragonalEx: Rutile OrthorhombicEx: Sulfur MonoclinicEx: Azurite TriclinicEx: Microcline Feldspar
Definite Chemical Composition Certain elements form together in specific ways Like Hydrogen & Oxygen (H2O) and Carbon & Oxygen (CO2) form together to make these compounds
Physical Properties Identify Minerals Physical Properties include 6 “tests” you can perform on minerals to determine what type of mineral they might be.
1. Streak Test The color of the mineral’s powder that’s left behind when it is rubbed across a rough surface Example: Pyrite looks like gold but, it’s streak looks greenish- black (aka “fool’s gold”)
2. Luster Describes how light is reflected from the mineral’s surface. What does it look like?
3. Density
4. Cleavage One way minerals break Easily split along flat surfaces Ex: Mica & Feldspar
5. Fracture One way minerals break Break unevenly in irregular ways Chipped Shell-like Ex: Quartz Jagged points Ex: Copper & Iron Crumbles Ex: Clay
6. Mohs Hardness Scale A scale that ranks 10 minerals from softest to hardest. You can compare unknown minerals to the minerals on this scale Hardness can be tested by a Scratch Test A mineral can scratch any other softer mineral It can also BE scratched by any harder mineral Softest Mineral – Talc Hardest Mineral - Diamond
Science Standard S6E5. How Earth’s surface forms b. Minerals make rocks EX: Granite may be made of many different minerals (feldspar, mica, hornblende, quartz) c. Rocks are classified by how they are formed EX: Igneous rocks form from magma/lava cooling d. Different processes change rock & the surface of the Earth EX: Weathering & Erosion break down rocks & move them to new places
Types of Luster MetallicEx: Galena GlassyEx: Topaz Waxy, Greasy, PearlyEx: Talc DullEx: Graphite SilkyEx: Malachite EarthyEx: Hematite
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