By: Jacob Gibney Jonny Anyanwu Omar Hernandez Tyrie Clark
When we fly to mars we want to land right around where Mount Olympus because of the temperature. It also has the warmest soil on Mars. We would also go there because it has some nice weather. It’s the only place where we could survive the harsh temperature
The purpose for our theme is to stop using natural elements and to use solar energy. The world becomes polluted when we use stuff like coal, and we don’t recycle. We want to cut down on the stuff we use so our world doesn’t go in havoc. Solar energy is better for us. It reduces the energy we use to fly to mars.
We are using solar energy to power our rocket because there’s more of it then natural resources like coal. It saves us money because we don’t have to use the government money to buy it, and we don’t have to use the money to buy the tools we need to mine it. Plus natural elements don’t last as long as solar energy.
Well first we are bringing stuff to mars because we don’t get bored, we don’t die of depression and lack of activity. We are going to bring food, water, music, TV, games, and other stuff. We are going to bring the stuff we use in our everyday lives, its more healthy for us. Its going to take a long time to get to mars.
The food we are bringing are mostly the foods we eat from earth, we are going to plant more foods. If we run out of food we can just plant seeds and grow like carrots, lettuce, brocolli.