Earth’s Energy & Mineral Resources
Section 1: Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Energy Energy is the ability to cause change. Nonrenewable energy resources are being used up faster than they can be replaced by Earth processes. Most electricity comes from nonrenewable energy.
FOSSIL FUELS Fossil fuels are fuels that form from the remains of once living organisms that were buried and altered over millions of years. Coal Oil Natural Gas
COAL The most abundant fossil fuel in the world Estimated to last between 125 and 250 years. Contains at least 50% plant remains
How Coal Forms 1. Plants die in a swampy area, forming peat. 2. Dead plants are covered by more plants, water, and sediment, keeping oxygen from it. 3. Plants decay slowly. 4. Bacteria consume the plant material, leaving carbon and impurities behind. 5. Over time, the material compacts, forming different grades of coal page01.cfm?chapter_no=07
Types of Coal Peat (also known as “peat moss”) can be burned, but creates a lot of smoke. Irishmen cutting and throwing peat to burn later
Types of Coal (continued) Heat and pressure change peat into lignite coal. It doesn’t burn well, but it does burn better than peat.
More heat and pressure morph the lignite as it gets buried deeper. After time, bituminous coal is formed. Bituminous coal also contains a lot of sulfur, which pollutes the air when burned. Types of Coal (continued)
Anthracite coal is heated and squeezed during metamorphism and is a very dense coal. It contains the highest content of carbon and is the rarest form of coal due to the amount of time it takes to form. Types of Coal (continued)
Synthetic Fuels Synthetic fuels are made from coal natural gas oil shale or biomass. It may also refer to fuels derived from other solids such as plastics or rubber waste. Hydrocarbons (molecules of hydrogen bonded with carbon) are extracted from these materials to create: liquid fuels such as synthetic gasoline for cars. fuel oil for heating homes. gaseous fuels to generate electricity heat homes
Oil is a thick, black liquid formed from buried remains of microscopic marine organisms. Oil, aka, Petroleum or Crude Land Rig
Ocean Rig
More About Oil Oil is a hydrocarbon, meaning it is a molecule of hydrogen bonded with carbon. Hydrocarbons burn very well to release a lot of energy. Oil, or petroleum is refined to form many products.
Products from Refined Oil Products from crude oil include: Gasoline Kerosene Diesel Candle wax Motor oil Asphalt Oils for making plastics Oils for lip balm and types of make-up.