Realistic Fiction Books about Real Life Books about Real Life Open Court Level 5 / Unit 1-Cooperation and Competition/ Unit Opener for Realistic Fiction Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary
Realist Fiction Books we will be reading in Unit #1 in Open Court Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary
What is Realistic Fiction? Realistic fiction is simply stated as real kids with real problems solved in a realistic manner in a real world setting. Realistic Fiction is most often based in the present or recent past . The events portrayed in realistic fiction raise questions that a reader might face in real life Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary
Characters in realistic fiction usually have certain characteristics: they resemble real people live in a place that could be real participate in a series of events that could probably happen presented with a problem that is of interest of children and discover a realistic solution Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary
A Realistic fiction selection may have one or more of these elements The characters behave as people or animals do in real life. The setting of the story is a real place or could be a real place. The events of the story are based on a conflict or problem the could occur in real life. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary
Stories to come… Having an election for 5th grade class president Lupe enters a marble championship. A young girl want to win a class contest!!!! Everyone on the soccer team is good at something except soccer. Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary