Often decisions must be made without benefit of research because: 9 Time pressures 9 Insuffient funds 9 Research weaknesses 9 Decision not worth the research investment
CLASSES of ADVERTISING MEASURES: a Pretests (Before run time; prediction) a Post tests (After run time; evaluation)
CLASSES of ADVERTISING MEASURES: a DIRECT (Overt Behavior) a INTERMEDIATE (Precedes overt behavior)
Classification of Advertising Measures Post Tests Pretests Direct Intermediate
Direct Measures Include: 9 Sales 9 Market share 9 Inquiries 9 Other overt behavior (ie., voting)
3 Forms of Intermediate Measures: ¦ Cognitive (knowledge) ¦ Affective (like/dislike) ¦ Conative (action tendencies)
Techniques Used This Semester: Cognitive : è Starch Reports Recognition - a light measure of learning è Gallup & Robinson Aided Recall - a stronger memory response Affective: è Readex - measures reader interest 3 3
Starch Gallup Readex Probability Sample No No No Sample # 100 males 150 men/ 1st females women responses Location major Depends metro metro on areas areas responses
Starch Gallup Readex Procedure: Thru 1 day, in Check items the home + of interest; book telephone mail return
Starch Gallup Readex Problems: 1. Starch overclaims 2. None predict purchase * 3. Not representative or projectable * See Zinkhan & Gelb article
Starch Reports Three Measures: ¦ Noted (% overall recognition) ¦ Seen (% brand recognition) ¦ Read Most (% more than 50%)
Gallup Reports Three Measures: ¦ PNR - Proven Name Register (% recall of brand name) ¦ Idea Communuication ( # selling points remembered) ¦ Buying attitude ( % more favorable to purchase)
Readex Reports: ¦ % saw the ad ¦ % found the ad interesting.
Suggestions From Long Term Analysis of Starch Results: 4 Identify clear, tangible benefits 4 Clearly tell what the product does 4 Keep it simple, visual 4 Use larger illustrations 4 Avoid being cute, catchy 4 Emphasize personal identification To improve the scores...
The End