The verb querer means to want. As in English, the conjugation of querer will differ depending on the subject of the sentence or question.
Querer- to want (Yo) quieroI want(Nosotros) queremos We want (Tú) quieresYou want(Vosotros) queréisYou all want Usted quiereYou wantUstedes quierenYou all want Él quiereHe wantsEllos quieren(They want Ella quiereShe wants
Like gustar, you can use a noun or an infinitive after a conjugation of querer in order to say what you and others want or want to do. (Yo) Quiero fruta. I want some fruit. (Yo) Quiero comer. I want to eat. Quieres escuchar música. You want to listen to music.