By: Katlyn Woodman
The excretory system consists of, kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra, abdominal aorta, and inferior vena cava. The excretory system removes the waste products from your body. It removes also, minerals and excess water.
KmRloFZq9QtG9qkfHERw_m.jpg &w=240&h=192&ei=C_9rT- rcOq71sQL17qD5BQ&zoom=1&iac t=hc&vpx=576&vpy=111&dur=630 &hovh=153&hovw=192&tx=121&t y=105&sig= &page=3&tbnh=119&tbnw=149 &start=55&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r :26,s:55 The kidneys are the main organ in your excretory system. Kidneys remove uric acid and urea from the bloodstream and they turn into a liquid, which is called urine.
Google Image Result for The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. A valve within the tubes prevents back flow. URETER
Google Image Result for eImages/ jpg The organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys is called the bladder. The bladder is a muscular, and distensible organ & it sits on the pelvic floor. BLADDER
What Are The Functions?? One of the functions is to get rid of all wastes. It also maintains a balanced concentration. What Is It Responsible For? The Excretory system is mainly responsible for the elimination of wastes which is produced by homeostasis.
The definition of excretory system is, removal of waste substances from the body. Your skin isn't part of the excretory system. Water forms 95% of the urine. Kidney stones are usually the size of a golf ball. Kidney stones are most common among white males overt the age of about 30. The ureter is about the size of a noodle.
Ureters- Which is the tube that sends urine to the bladder from the kidneys. Aorta- Starts on the left side of the heart and then it sends blood to main parts of the body. Kidneys- Is a blood filterer and a fluid regulator. Bladder- Which is a storage place for the urine.
Excretory system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Excretory System Cancer of the ureter — Diagnosis and treatment options at Mayo Clinic Excretory system 10 Interesting Facts - Excretory System Human Body: The Excretory System | Scienceray