Organizing the Disorganized Kid Presented by: Toby Pleszkun and Hayley McGovern
Executive Functioning …refers to a person’s ability to manage or regulate a collection of basic cognitive and emotional processes. Response Inhibition/Task Initiation Working Memory Emotional Regulation Sustained Attention Planning/Prioritizing Organization Time Management Goal Directed/Persistence Flexibility Metacognition/Reflection
Does this sound familiar?
What does it mean to be organized?
Easy as (Ideally) Getting organized -the child is where he or she needs to be and gathers the supplies needed to complete the task Staying focused -the child sticks with the task and can filter out distractions Getting it done - the child finishes a task, checks his or her work, puts it in the right folder, inside a backpack and ready for the next day.
ADHD Students with ADHD are more likely than students without a diagnosis to display executive dysfunctions Executive dysfunctions DO NOT mean a student necessarily has ADHD EF and ADHD are linked, but not mutually exclusive
What Can We Do? In general….. Remember “One size doesn’t fit all!” Model systems that work for you Make structure and consistency a priority Create a space just for your child to work with an organizational system Files, supplies needed,organizers with labels, Build in breaks Provide rationales Use Overt Strategy VS. Covert Strategy
What Can We do ? Specifically…. Use monthly/weekly/daily calendars (Paper based and/or electronic) Color Coding systems Timers Alarm watches Backpacks with several compartments
Strategies Daily planning sheet Break work into smaller parts Backward Planning Notepad by their side Mind Mapping “Mind Maps help you remember information, as they hold it in a format that your mind finds easy to recall and quick to review.” Busy Board Supply bucket (add snack and water)
Technology Skype with a friend Use electronic devices to record lists, voice memos, plan projects) E-reader Apps (Notes Plus, Evernote, Voice memos, World Pocket Reference, Course Notes, ireward)
Next Steps….. Collect my handouts and refer to them as needed Think about your child’s learning style(s) ( Create a system that works for your child (include child in planning) Start small Create checklists and calendars Revisit and review systems and progress along the way. Keep in mind the three components of success in planning 1.materials management 2.time management 3. information/idea management.