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2 Battcon Approved Template This template may be used for Battcon presentations. While other templates may be used, the company logo size (below right) should not be exceeded. – Only one company logo per page. – The Battcon logo should appear on the slide. The Technical Committee may request changes to slide presentations to avoid overt commercialism.
3 Preferred Header Size is 44 pt Body text size can range from 32 point. – To 28 point To 24 point – To 20 point (Try not to use this 4 th level of bulleting.) – Test readability by viewing the slides ten feet from your computer screen. Keep tables at least 18 point text. You may vary text size, but readability in a large conference room is important. Try to follow the guidelines above. – These rules apply to text in graphics as well.
4 Colors You may change text and background colors, but the ones in this template were chosen for readability in a large conference room. Keep readability in a large room in mind if you make changes to background and text colors.
5 Number of Slides You are allotted 20 minutes to present. It usually takes 1 to 2 minutes to properly present a slide and for the audience to absorb it; thus, you generally should not exceed 20 slides. – The Battcon Technical Committee will offer feedback if you greatly exceed this number.
6 More on Number of Slides When you have a lot of info to convey, don’t reduce the text size to fit it in 20 slides. (See the previous comments about readability.) – PowerPoint is not intended to include all the information in your paper – that’s what the paper is for. – PowerPoint just highlights talking points (as a reminder to the presenter). It is never meant to be read line by line by the presenter.
Removing Logos from Slides When the information on a slide needs the maximum amount of space to be presented cleanly and readably: – You may remove the logos. Right click the slide thumbnail, select Format Background, check Omit Background Graphics from Master, then click Close. (Do not click Apply to All.) – You may reinstate the line under the title by copying and pasting the horizontal red line from the slide master. – Note that doing the above will cause the slide number to disappear.
8 Poor Graphics Examples Text too small. Poor color/contrast choices. SAI ped copper cable <4 kft<1 kft DLC OEOE CO
Top Terminal Heat Dissipation Good Graphics Example Front Terminal Heat Dissipation Cells 3 & 4 are hotter Cell 1 is the (+) and Cell 6 is the (-) There is more surface area to dissipate heat
10 Poor Table Example Text too small and poor choice of text/background colors. Manufacturer Ideal Charge Voltage in volts per cell (VPC) Tolerance VPC Target Buss Voltage Buss Voltage Range Mfg 12.25±.01540VDC VDC Mfg ± VDC VDC Mfg 32.26± VDC VDC
11 Good Table Example Mfg Ideal Charge VPC VPC Tolerance Target Bus Voltage Bus Voltage Range Mfg 12.25± VDC VDC Mfg ± VDC540 – 550 VDC Mfg 32.26± VDC539 – 546 VDC
12 Contact Info If you wish, you may post your contact info on the final slide. You may include your name, company, address, and/or telephone. Use of this last slide is optional.