1© 2009 IBM Corporation The Epistle of James Practical Christian Living Christ Baptist Church Fall 2014 James 5:1-6
2 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5:1 - 6 Would you consider yourself to be materialistic? Is it sinful to have wealth? – Name some Bible characters who were wealthy? – How did they handle their wealth? In light of the way the world lives, are American believers living in overt sin due to their wealth?
3 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5:1 - 6 James 5: How does a mature Christian respond in times of trouble? 2.Why does James admonish the rich to weep and howl (v1)? How did they get rich? How did they exploit the poor? (v4,6) Matt 20:1-16 Laborers in the field Deut 24:14-15 Lev 19:13 Deut 17:8-13 Ex 18:21 Isa 33:15
4 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5:1 - 6 James 5: What are the sinful ways the rich use their wealth? – Personal question: How do you use your wealth? 4.What did Jesus mean when He said to lay up treasures in heaven? 5.What is the proper Christian approach to wealth? – How do Christians benefit from approaching wealth in this way? 1 Tim 5:8 Matt 25:27 Luke 12:15 1 Cor 4:2 1 Tim 6:17 Matt 6:19-20
5 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5: What are the consequences of misusing riches? 7.Who will be the witnesses in judgment against the selfish? 8.What does the term stewardship mean? 1 Tim 6:10 Psalm 62:10 Prov 22:1 Judgment Rev 20:11-15
6 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5: Where do you draw the line between enjoying what God gives you and living a life of luxury? 10.Is it ever ok to have more material wealth than other believers, or should equality be the goal? – Why or why not? Can treasure mean something other than wealth? – Do you have an unused treasure? Luke 20:21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
7 Condemnation through Covetousness The Epistle of James 5:1 - 6 Going Deeper Isaiah 3:14-15 & 10:1-4 What charges did Isaiah bring against the wealthy elders and princes? What charges did Isaiah bring against the wealthy elders and princes? What do you learn about God from this passage? What do you learn about God from this passage? Tim 6:10, What do you learn hear about a proper view and use of money? Tim 6:10, What do you learn hear about a proper view and use of money?
8 Condemnation through Covetousness Challenges: Which do you have to watch out for most in your life: acquiring riches ruthlessly or unjustly, hoarding money uselessly, or spending wealth self-indulgently? – What needs to change in the way you view wealth? Why is it comforting and wise to remember God’s character in times of difficulty? The Epistle of James 5:1 - 6