Feedback: The Breakfast of Champion Teachers exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 1. What is good teaching? 2. The Value and the Risk of Asking for Feedback 3. Methods of Gathering Feedback
Framework for Teaching exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Planning and Preparation The Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Based on the work of Charlotte Danielson, Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching, ASCD,1996.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Component 1a: Rooted in Christ Component 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Component 1c: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Component 1d: Selecting Instructional Goals Component 1e: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Component 1f: Designing Coherent Instruction Component 1g: Assessing Student Learning
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Component 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning Component 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures Component 2d: Managing Student Behavior Component 2e: Organizing Physical Space
Domain 3: Instruction Component 3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning Component 3d: Providing Feedback to Students Component 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Component 4c: Partnering with Families Component 4d: Contributing to the School Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally Component 4f: Authentic Servanthood
Independent School Management Characteristics of Professional Excellence
Classroom-Related Skills: exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 1.Academic Standards: I set clearly articulated standards for student academic performance. 2.Testing: I create predictable tests (not to be confused either with “simple” tests or with “easy” tests); my students can rely on the test preparation that I offer them. 3.Grading: I provide fair, reliable, understandable grade/reward structures for my students; my students are led to understand why they receive the grades they receive—good or bad—and thereby to see how improvement, if they will seek it, might be possible. 4.Content Knowledge: I am knowledgeable of cutting-edge content and developmental theory. 5.Pedagogy: I have mastered at least one pedagogical approach that is supported by reliable, contemporary research outcomes. 6.Real-Life Application: I am practiced in applying any subject matter to real-life conditions beyond the classroom, including applications that may be global or universal in their potential.
Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Students and Teaching: exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 1.Gladness: I am glad to arrive at school and to see my students each day. 2.Wishing Success: I find ways to make it obvious to all students that I wish them success every day, both in school and outside of school. 3.Encouraging Virtue: I find ways to make it obvious to all students that I want them to become better, more virtuous people (in ways consistent with our school’s stated purposes and projected outcomes for our graduates). 4.Behavior Standards: I set reasonable, defensible standards for student behavior. 5.Bullying Awareness: I am continually alert to the threat of bullying between and among my students. 6.Confrontations with Dignity: In confrontations with students, I conduct myself in ways that leave students’ dignity intact regardless of the nature of the issue or infraction. 7.Enforcing Rules: I enforce our rules, including the dress code, justly, fairly, consistently. 8.Predictability and Consistency: I am able to present myself each day in ways that will be seen by my students as consistent and reliable (i.e., unaffected by outside-of-school problems).
Teachers’ Attitudes Students and Teaching: Cont’d exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 9.Demonstrated Enthusiasm: I demonstrate believably high levels of enthusiasm for teaching/learning and for the content of my studies. 10.Professional Development-Focused: I pursue career-long professional development as a foremost priority. 11.Student Engagement: I am practiced in establishing meaningful emotional/psychological engagement with all my students. 12.Personal Involvement: I am practiced in finding creative and appropriate ways to be involved with my students outside the classroom. 13.Interest in Student Lives: I am practiced in displaying an overt, conspicuous interest in students’ outside-the-class lives—apart from other previous item— without crossing privacy barriers. 14.Positive Reinforcement: I am practiced in providing private an public positive reinforcement for individual or group (student) successes. 15.Parent Communications: I am practiced in establishing proactive communication with, and service to, each student’s parents.
Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the School and Colleagues: exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 1.Commitment to Mission: I demonstrate through words and actions a genuine, believable commitment to the school, its purposes, its leadership, and my peers. 2.Colleague Engagement: I am practiced in giving active support for, and establishing active engagement with, colleagues. 3.Commitment to Colleagues: I am practiced in making an overt commitment to the personal and professional well-being of colleagues, administrators, and (other) nonteaching staff. 4.Commitment to Professional Community: I am practiced in making positive contributions to a professional, mission-focused sense of community with all constituent groups. 5.Public Support for School: I am practiced in giving public support for students, colleagues, and employers (administration and Board). 6.Socializing Knowledge: I am practiced in communicating in-class experimentation-and-testing outcomes and findings to colleagues, within and beyond the school. 7.Professional Academic Community: I am practiced in routine (yet enthusiastic) participation in outside-the-school academic organizations whose work is supportive of, and pertinent to, my field(s).
Faith-Based Characteristics: (from ISM, not ACSI) exists to strengthen Christian Schools and equip Christian Educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire students to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 1.Commitment to Congregation: I am practiced in making an overt commitment to the life of my own congregation (church, synagogue, etc.) and its core traditions. 2.Role Model: I am practiced in serving as a mature role model for a biblically focused lifestyle. 3.Personal Faith Commitment: I am skilled in articulating the personal/ethical implications of a lifelong faith commitment. 4.Tolerance: I display appropriate levels of public tolerance of, and respect for, other religious points of view. 5.Knowledge of Faith: I am knowledgeable of the developmental history of my school’s religious heritage. 6.Worship Participation: I actively participate in (and when appropriate, lead) the explicitly religious components of the school’s student and community programs. 7.Personal Religious Growth: I am committed to growing professionally and personally within the framework of my religious traditions.