5.1 Vivimos aquí Cornell Notes
Tema: “ser” and “estar” PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How can I use “ser” and “estar” to describe a house and househould items?
“estar” “ser” estoy estás está estamos estáis están soy eres es somos sois son
So what’s the difference? If you are talking about what something is, use “ ser”. If you are talking about how something is, use “ estar”. When a noun follows the verb, use “ser” To tell where something is from, use “ser” To tell where something is located now, use “estar” Let’s see….
USES OF “SER”; ORIGIN- where some one or thing is from. Examples; Yo soy de Puerto Rico Tu eres de San Juan Angel es de Nueva York
USES OF “SER” PERSONAL TRAITS OR CHARACTERISTICS – To describe. Examples; Yo soy guapa. Tu eres inteligente. Mi casa es grande.
USES OF “SER”; PROFESSION-what kind of job one has. Examples; Yo soy estudiante. Tu eres doctora. La Señorita Spetly es maestra.
USES OF “SER”; Hour, day, and date. Examples; Son las cinco. Hoy es martes. Es el catorce de diciembre.
USES OF “ESTAR” PHYSICAL LOCATION- where some one or something is. Examples; Yo estoy en Chicago. Tu casa está en Mexico. La casa de Juana está en Cancún.
USES OF ESTAR; PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS- feelings are temporary. Examples; Yo estoy enojada. Tu estas bien. José está cansado.
ORDINAL NUMBERS indicate the order. When used with a noun, it must match in number and gender. Must be placed before nouns. Some examples; Yo vivo en el octavo piso. Es mi quinta lámpara.
SOME EXCEPTIONS; “PRIMERO” AND “TERCERO” drop the –O In front of a masculine singular noun. Examples; El primer cuarto es de Juan. El tercer piso tiene escaleras.
Let’s recap… Uses of “ser”Uses of “estar” originlocation traits/ characteristicsphysical condition professionemotional condition Hour, day, date ordinal numbers When used with a noun, it must match in number and gender. Must be before noun. “PRIMERO” AND “TERCERO” drop the –O In front of a masculine singular noun.