Anger What makes us react the way we do to anger? Why do we shout, hit, run away, cry when we are angry sometimes? Why do we keep calm other times?
It’s all to do with the brain!! Our brain decides how we act.
Different parts of the brain…
Reptilian Complex This bit acts without us thinking. Like breathing, jumping at a noise, hitting someone before we realise why!
Limbic System This lets information in. It copes with strong emotions like anger. It tells our bodies what to if we are in danger.
Neocortex This is the clever part of the brain. It thinks carefully. It decides what things mean. It does sums and uses language.
If something makes us angry the limbic system is no longer calm. It panics…. It ignores the clever part of the brain (neocortex) that does the thinking…. X X And goes straight to the reptilian complex
What does that do??? We get angry!!!!!
What happens then?? So when we are angry….. We get upset and can’t think straight. We do things we shouldn’t!!!
So what can we do about it?? We need to think before we act. Just give it TIME…..count to 6 before we do or say anything. Give us time for the rest of our brain to start thinking about what is the most sensible thing to do. Count to 6 now… can feel an even longer time when you are angry!