Why Do Some Gifted Children Have Anger Problems? What Can I Do To Help? Dr. Agnes Meyo Psychologist 711 Old Ballas Road. #212 Creve Coeur, MO
Outline What Is Anger? What Stressors Typically Anger the Gifted? What Are Some Unhealthy Expressions of Anger? How Can We Manage This Anger? Summary
What is Anger? Anger is a normal, human feeling of displeasure that can be expressed in healthy or unhealthy ways. When angry, the body produces an excess of adrenalin which may cause blurred vision, dizziness, headache, rapid heart rate, chest pain, nausea, dry mouth, agitation, sweating, tense muscles, fidgetiness, dissociation, clenched teeth, hyperventilation, narrowed focus, and shallow breathing.
What Stressors Typically Anger the Gifted? The gifted anger over issues related to: –Achievement. –Socialization. –Academics. –World issues. –Natural disasters. –Disappointing others. –Feeling misunderstood.
What Are Some Unhealthy Expressions of Anger? Temper tantrums. Belittling/correcting others. Yelling. Name-calling. Silent treatment. Revenge. Property destruction. Aggression.
How Can We Manage This Anger? Identification of External Events/Triggers: –Slow pace/boredom. –Making mistakes. –Being ignored. –Being bullied/teased. –Losing at a competition. –Perceived injustice. –Disagreements.
How Can We Manage This Anger? Identification of Internal Events: –Muscles tighten. –Breathing becomes shallow. –Focus narrows. –Face turns red. –Sweat. –Thoughts race. –Heart beats faster.
How Can We Manage This Anger? Practice Anger Management Strategies: –Walk away. –Count to 10. –Exercise. –Imagery. –Cognitive Restructuring. –“Turtle Technique.” –Thought Stopping. –Journaling. –Relaxation strategies. –Know when to seek help.
How Can We Manage This Anger? Generation of a Specific Plan A to Resolve the Problem: –Assertiveness. –Assistance from an adult. –Acceptable “comebacks.” –“Buddy System.” –“Escape Hatch.” –Confident body language. –I-Statements.
How Can We Manage This Anger? Generation of a Specific Plan B to Resolve the Problem: –Predetermine personal “boiling point.” –Decide which strategies follow most easily. –Plan the transition to Plan B. –Determine when to give in/make restitution. –Decide when to walk away without resolution. –Practice! Practice! Practice!
Summary Anger is the body’s response to displeasure and excessive adrenalin is released. The gifted are angered by typical stressors. To manage the anger in healthy ways, the gifted need to identify the external triggers and internal events. Many interventions work well for the gifted. Resolution of the issue requires a Plan A, a Plan B, and practice.