The Effects of One Members' Anger on Team Emotion Anat Rafaeli Arik Cheshin Roy Israely
2 Emotion Contagion Time 1 Time 2 (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
3 What Creates Emotion Contagion? An unconscious process based on mimicking of others’ non verbal cues. (Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, 1994; Neumann & Strack, 2000) Non verbal cues include: Tone of voice, Facial expression, Body language, and so on.. (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
4 Research Question So what happens in teams where non verbal cues are not present? Will emotion of one member spread to rest of the group? (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
5 SHAPE FACTORY TASK Simulates an interdependent team of 4 players (shapes) Each player can produce and sell a shape Team members have to fill orders for shapes Reward based on individual and group performance (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
6 Experiment Time Line PANAS Instructions ~1 min~ 20 min Task 3 R X 12 min DV Payment ~10 min~3 min Arrival ~3 min N=49 groups (25 happy) 51% female Average age 24.7 Practice R 12 min (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
7 Manipulation Confederate acted Angry or Happy; based on past research. (Kopelman, Rosette, Thompson, 2006; Van Kleef et al, 2004; Barsade, 2002) Angry Use words that express anger: “Your offer makes me really ANGRY!" Be tough: “Always ask for higher sell price and lower purchase price.” Happy Use words that express happiness: “It’s a pleasure doing business with you :-)” Be flexible: “Accept any offer as long as not below your production cost” (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
8 Manipulation Check To what degree did express anger? T (145) = 6.0 p< To what degree did express happiness? T (145) = 6.9 p< Angry Confederate Happy Confederate (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
9 Individual Emotion PANAS F (1, 145) = P<0.01 Repeated Measures NA F (1, 145) = P<0.06 Repeated Measures PA (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
10 Group Emotion Aggregated Anger Ratings T (47) = 6.46 p<0.001 Angry R WG =0.83 Happy R WG =0.9 Aggregated Happy Ratings T (47) = 4.19 p< G E (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
11 Mimicking?? Number of negative messages sent T (145) = 6.30 p< Number of positive messages sent T (145) = 5.57 p< Cohen’s Kappa =0.78 (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
12 Discussion Emotion contagion occurs without non verbal cues! Emotions spreads in virtual teams without face-to-face communication. How far do these effects go? (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
13 Performance The Episodic Process Model - emotional episodes at work influence performance as they distract workers (Beal, Weiss, Barros, & MacDermind, 2005). Mixed results regarding performance and emotion, but more evidence that positive affect improves performance (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
14 Anger and Group Performance? + _ Group Performance Happy/ Angry Research Question: Will anger expressed by an individual member of a work team influence performance of other team members and of the team as a whole? Individual Performance Happy / Angry + _ (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
15 Performance T (145) = 4.22 p< T (47) = 2.97 p<0.001 Group Performance Individual Performance (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
16 Summary Emotion of ONE member spreads to group with minimal or no non-verbal cues Emotion of ONE member effects performance of other members and of the team. What is “a happy” vs. “angry” member? Need to distinguish between behavior (flexible / rigid) and emotion (anger / happy) (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
17 Current Directions Emotion and Behavior separated to create: Angry / Flexible Happy / Flexible Angry / Resolute Happy / Resolute (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at
18 Thank you!!! (c) Technion, Slides and Paper available at