Interview and Interrogation Annette LeBlanc St. Martin Sheriff’s Office
Definitions: Interview –Non-Accusatory meeting in which information is obtained –Purpose: to gather information –Subjects: witnesses, victims Interrogation –Formal solicitation of information –Purpose: obtain the information you believe this person has –Subject: suspect
Introduction Body Conclusion The Interview:
Structure of the interview Preparation: Facts and Location Introduction Rapport: often extension of the introduction Questions: open ended vs. closed Verification: Ensures mutual understanding Catch-all Questions (Positive: What have I forgotten to ask (Aggressive: What have you not told me Departure: Leave open possibility for re-contact Critique : Only way to learn
Factors to consider: Timing: Interview / Interrogation Location: Interview / Interrogation
Communication is both verbal and non-verbal. Are the words and actions giving the same signal?
Verbal Clues Pitch Volume Rate Actual words and phrases Always get a base to gauge by
Five Stress Response States: Anger Depression Bargaining Denial Acceptance/acknowledgement
Verbal Anger: –Focused: Most easily recognizable Interviewer/Department Victim Witness –Covert: More subtle Facts of the case will be attacked Intimidation (I have a degree in accounting) Make and issue out of an non-issue or minor details
Verbal Depression: –Anger and depression are closely related. One is focused outward, depression is anger focused inward. –Look for body language: closely resembles body language of confession: Body is slumped, drooping shoulders, chin in the chest, crying …
Verbal Bargaining: –Complaining for sympathy –Gray Statements
Verbal Denial: 90% of the subject’s deceptive behavior will present itself to the investigative interviewer in the form of denial. If anger, depression and bargaining fail- turn to denial. –Memory Lapses –Modifiers/Qualifier –Guilt Phrases –Vocabulary Shifting –Specific Denials –Denial Flag expressions
Verbal Acceptance - Buy out statements - Fantasy-reality statements - Punishment statements
Body Language Posture: –Leaning forward –Sitting Sideways Facial expression: –Expression of fear –Anger –Acknowledgement Gestures: –Head movement –Hand activity Eye movements: –Different for different cultures: what you’re looking for is a break in the “normal” baseline.
Review: Verbal signs: Truthful person - makes general sweeping denials, offers unqualified direct spontaneous answers - exhibits a reasonable memory - responds to questions rationally and in a distinct and clear tone Non verbal signs: Truthful person - sits upright but not rigid - positions himself in front of the questioner and leans toward him/her when making a point - appears relaxed and casual
Review: Verbal signs: Deceptive Person: - Offers very specific denials - gives delayed, evasive or vague answers - exhibits an unusually poor, selective or remarkable memory -Qualifies answers or uses religion or oaths to support their statements - Speaks in an irrational, mumbled or subdued manner using fragmented statements
Review: Nonverbal Sings: Deceptive Person - Slouched or leans backward (away from interviewer) - very rigid and stiff -Pulls their elbows in close to the body, arms folded and locked in front of them -Exhibits rapid and erratic posture changes
The Interviewer A successful Interviewer has the ability to obtain information from all subjects, analyze the information and record it accurately.
The interviewee should be allowed to tell his own story in his own words without Interruption. Experience has shown that in this narrative, the interviewee tells all that he or she knows in words of their own choosing. They are more inclined to furnish more accurate information than if they merely furnish answers to specific questions.
Advantages It gives the interviewee the opportunity to talk freely It places a certain amount of pressure on them to keep talking Their thinking is self-directed It aids their memory-more things come to mind It makes it easier for them to recall and relate events in the order in which they occurred It makes it easier to extract the important parts of the story It furnishes “ammunition” for direct questioning