Sources, tools, and skills to save you time Andrea Cameron
Can you… 1. Find the SFU Library's business research guides on the web? 2. Name a database that contains business journal articles? 3. Describe a technique that will help you be more efficient when you search any article/book database? 4. Name a tool that will keep track of the articles you've found and create your bibliography for you? 5. Tell the difference between an academic journal and a popular magazine? 6. List at least three ways to contact a librarian for help?
Sample Search #1: Books A. Brainstorm keywords and concepts: Want books on anger among employees. employee/worker/personnel/workplace… anger/conflict/argument/violence/violent/emotions/abuse… B. Choose a tool: the SFU Library CatalogueSFU Library Catalogue Note: The catalogue tells you what books and journals (online or print) we have. It doesn’t help you find specific articles within journals. Our next sample search will cover that. C. Enter your keywords…
Sample Search #1: Books Truncation symbol (*): employee*=employee, employees Truncation symbol (*): employee*=employee, employees A B = A and B but “A B” = the phrase “A B” so anger employee* = anger and employee* A B = A and B but “A B” = the phrase “A B” so anger employee* = anger and employee* Link to this search in the SFU Library Catalogue Link to this search in the SFU Library CatalogueLink
Sample Search #1: Books Remainder of the record is on the next slide. Remainder of the record is on the next slide. Link to this item in the SFU Library Catalogue Link to this item in the SFU Library CatalogueLink How would you use this item to find more books? How would you use this item to find more books?
Sample Search #1: Books This is the second half of the record from the last screen. This is the second half of the record from the last screen. How would you use this item to find more books? How would you use this item to find more books? Link to this item in the SFU Library Catalogue Link to this item in the SFU Library CatalogueLink
Sample Search #1: Books Using one of the Subjects from the last item… Using one of the Subjects from the last item… Link to this search in the SFU Library Catalogue Link to this search in the SFU Library CatalogueLink Note that this first item is an electronic resource. Note that this first item is an electronic resource.
Sample Search #1: Books First result from our last Subject search. First result from our last Subject search. Link to this search in the SFU Library Catalogue Link to this search in the SFU Library CatalogueLink How would you use this item to find similar ones…? How would you use this item to find similar ones…?
Sample Search #2: Articles A. Brainstorm keywords: Same keywords as before … plus the ones you’ve spotted in your first search: aggression, aggressive, bullying… Same keywords as before … plus the ones you’ve spotted in your first search: aggression, aggressive, bullying… B. Choose a tool: Business Source Complete Business Source CompleteBusiness Source Complete C. Enter your keywords… D. Cycle your search: Use your first good items to find similar articles.
Sample Search #2: Articles Notes: truncation (*) used / starting with keyword / limiting to scholarly / not limiting to full text… Notes: truncation (*) used / starting with keyword / limiting to scholarly / not limiting to full text… Link to this search in BSC Link to this search in BSCLink
Sample Search #2: Articles How would you use what you see here to find similar articles? How would you use what you see here to find similar articles?
Sample Search #2: Articles How can you tell if an article is scholarly/academic? How can you tell if an article is scholarly/academic? From the Abstract: …by investigating both the independent and joint influence of gender and relative organizational status on workplace anger expression. Their findings show that…
Short Version (so far) Many people think efficient and effective research is all about knowing the right sources and tools (databases). It isn’t. See the Research Guide for BUS 272 to get a list of key databases, etc.Research Guide for BUS 272 Efficient and effective research is about using the tools wisely. Brainstorm for keywords & concepts before you start searching. Cycle your keyword searches using authors, call numbers, subjects, references, new keywords, journal names, etc.
Bibliographies via RefWorks 1. Within Business Source Complete: Click on the Add to folder button to add the item to your folder. Then…
Bibliographies via RefWorks 2. Click on the Folder icon at the top of the BSC screen. 3. Click on Export on the right side of the screen. 4. Save citations directly into RefWorks
Bibliographies via RefWorks More info on RefWorks? Click on RefWorks on the SFU Library home page for access to guides, tutorials, FAQs, and more.RefWorks
Getting Help Ask anyone at the Ask Us Desk on the main floor of the Library.Ask Us Desk Use our Ask a Librarian services (via the Library home page) to chat or with a librarian. Contact me: Andrea Cameron Class? Due Date? Where have you searched? How have you searched? Found anything close to what you need?
Can you… 1. Find the SFU Library's business research guides on the web? 2. Name a database that contains business journal articles? 3. Describe a technique that will help you be more efficient when you search any article/book database? 4. Name a tool that will keep track of the articles you've found and create your bibliography for you? 5. Tell the difference between an academic journal and a popular magazine? 6. List at least three ways to contact a librarian for help?