Communication Conflict/Anger Lesson One 6th Grade1
Conflict Internal vs. External A conflict is another name for fight or disagreement. – Internal Conflict is conflict with yourself. Even simple decisions can create internal conflict. – External Conflict is conflict with another person or group of people. Most external conflicts can be solved with healthy, open, honest communication. 6th Grade2
The way in which anger is expressed can determine how a conflict ends. 6th Grade3
Anger Anger is a strong feeling of being displeased. Anger at Events: Many events in your life may cause you to become angry. Anger with Others: If you become angry as a result of someone’s behavior, you should let them know that his/her behavior is upsetting to you. Then you can work together to solve the problem 6th Grade4
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Expressions of Anger Unhealthy Raising your voice Using threatening language Using threatening gestures Invading someone’s personal space Using violence Healthy Verbal Communication: Be careful to use your words in a calm way to tell the other person why you are angry. Do not use threatening or aggressive language Body Language: Keep a little distance from the other person in a conflict and be careful not to clench your fist or make any other threatening movements. Stay Calm: The way you express your anger will often determine how the other person in a conflict expresses his/her anger. 6th Grade5
The Way You Express Anger is Important Expressing Yourself : If anger is expressed in an unhealthy way it can make others angry and can force a conflict to end negatively. If anger is expressed in a healthy way, the conflict may end in a positive way. Staying Cool: These are things that you can do to make yourself less likely to express your anger in an unhealthy way: 1.Get enough rest 2. Eat healthy foods 3. Get plenty of exercise 4. Avoid eating too many sugary foods 6th Grade6
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Communication Manners Lesson Two 6th Grade8
Manners Manners are proper ways of doing things, or rules of behaving. Using your manners can make it easier to get along with others. 6th Grade9
Manners With Peers Waiting your turn Saying “Please” and “Thank You” Keeping hands and body to yourself Clean up your mess, your work area, eating area, dressing room With Teachers Refer to Mr./Ms./Mrs. and the last name of your teacher. Ex. “Mr. Debt, Ms. Broke, Mrs. Price” Avoid interrupting adults when they are having a conversation unless it is an emergency. Face and make eye contact to acknowledge the speaker Honor teachers’ requests by giving full effort. Teachers are here to help you learn and achieve your best. 6th Grade10
Manners with Adults Let the speaker know that you are actively listening. Answer with appropriate words, “Yes, M’am/Sir, No Sir/M’am, Please, Thank You, Yes or No.” Using “please” is a polite way to request things without demanding. Avoid “Yeah”, “Uh Huh”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t care”, “Nah”, and shrugging shoulders. When asking permission use, “May I…” Pay attention to your tone, volume, body language, and facial expressions. 6th Grade11