A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Brian P. Meier Gettysburg College The Barnard Interdisciplinary Workshop on Embodiment July 22 nd – 24 th, 2010
An Embodied Mind Approach Barsalou (1999), Lakoff & Johnson (1980, 1999) Landau, Meier, & Keefer (in press) Conceptual Metaphors - conceptual mappings between typically concrete source concepts and superficially dissimilar and typically abstract target concepts Embodiment - concepts contain modality-specific representations of sensations, motor activity, and other bodily states that occur during interactions with stimuli corresponding to those concepts
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Early work was metaphor focused: Meier et al. (2004, 2007) - brightness and bad/good Meier & Robinson (2004, 2006) - verticality and bad/good Meier et al. (2007) - verticality and perceptions of God.
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current work is phenomenon focused: Wilkowski, Meier, et al. (2009) - anger-related processing and heat cues (“hotheaded”) Study 1 - heat cues facilitate anger-related processing Study 4 - anger primes increase temperature estimates Study 6 - heat cues bias emotion judgments (i.e., anger)
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current work is phenomenon focused: Meier & Dionne (2009) - attraction and verticality Buss (1994, 2007) - evolution and human mating strategies (men seek youth and fidelity; women seek resources and status; a power difference?) Verticality is a source domain for power (e.g., “high in the hierarchy”, “on the bottom rung of the ladder”; Giessner & Schubert, 2007)
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current work is phenomenon focused: Meier & Dionne (2009) - attraction and vertical space
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology F (1, 77) = 5.12, p =.027, η p 2 =.06
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current and future work is phenomenon focused: Meier et al. (in preparation) - the “sweet” person Nice, pleasant, and caring people are described as “sweet” Sweet taste may be a source domain for agreeableness
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current and future work is phenomenon focused: Meier et al. (in preparation) - the “sweet” person Study 1 - participants believed strangers who liked sweet foods (e.g., candy, sugar) were higher in agreeableness than strangers who liked other food taste types (e.g., sour, spicy) Study 2 - sweet-food preferences positively correlated with agreeableness even after controlling for other food preferences (e.g., sour, spicy)
Where is Embodiment Headed? A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology Current and future work is phenomenon focused: Meier et al. (in preparation) - the “sweet” person Study 3 - people with a higher preference for sweet foods were more likely to volunteer to help their community during a flood Study 5 - participants randomly assigned to eat a sweet food (Dove chocolate), a non-sweet food (Carr’s Crackers), or no food Later asked to help another researcher
Where is Embodiment Headed? F (2, 52) = 3.91, p =.026, η p 2 =.13 A Metaphor-Enriched Social and Personality Psychology
Summary and Questions Summary An embodied framework can enrich the basic understanding and prediction of social and personality processes A phenomenon-based focus rather than a metaphor-based focus
Summary and Questions Questions Where’s the metaphor? What are the commonalities/differences between conceptual metaphor theory and “purist” views of embodiment?