P ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL VIOLENCE INTERVENTION POLICY l Physical restraint is justified when it is an alternative to a greater harm. When necessary, it should be applied without anger and as a restraint rather than as retaliation. l Trained staff members are permitted to use only the minimum amount of restraint reasonably necessary to accomplish the preventive measures required. 1
P ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL VIOLENCE INTERVENTION POLICY SLPS Board of Education Policy- Physical Restraint l Physical restraint will be used only when other means of preventing or stopping a breach of discipline have proven ineffective. Trained staff members, regardless of their level of training, may, use justifiable physical restraint of a student if it is deemed reasonably necessary to: 2
P ST. LOUIS BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL VIOLENCE INTERVENTION POLICY 1. Prevent the student from hurting himself/herself. 2. Protect others. 3. Protect the staff members’ well-being. 3