FUTURE INTERNET STANDARDISATION EU-China FIRE Advisory Board, Patrick GUILLEMIN, NFV,SDN,AFI April 2014 Beijing, Thanks To Ranganai Chaparadza and Gaby Lenhart 1 Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ETSI
IPv6 hints (from Ranganai) IPv6 Forum is collaborating with ETSI in TC NTECH AFI WG, following on EC-FP7 EFIPSANS project results on IPv6 & Autonomics (2009 workshop in Beijing !)Beijing Please pay attention to the new work related to IPv6 and Autonomic Networking as proposed in ETSI following on 2013 FNT workshopworkshop You are invited by Ranganai (ETSI-IPv6 MoU & work in AFI) to link Autonomic Networking Standardization with IPv6 by launching the proposed new Work Items in ETSI AFI © ETSI All rights reserved. FIA Athens 2014, Gaby Lenhart 2
ETSI Technical Activitieswww.etsi.org © ETSI All rights reserved 3 3GPP, TC SCP, ISG SMT, oneM2M, ISG NFV, TC SmartM2M, TC ITS, ISG LTN, TC ERM (RFID SRD), TC NTECH/AFI, TC CYBER, TC RRS, TC SES/SCN.. Example: ETSI Technology Cluster on IoT eHealth, ERM and SmartM2M 16 April 2014 : ETSI ISG NFV consits now of 80 ETSI Members 120 Participating companies and 1000 subscribers!ETSI ISG NFV
SDN and NFV, possible solutions along with Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) v Approach to networking where control is decoupled from hardware and given to a software application called a controller. Allow network engineers and administrators to dynamically configure networks remotely from a central control point Reduces the need for physical intervention in the network Reduces delay and cost on intervention Software Defined Networking (SDN) v Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Decouples the network functions, such as network address translation (NAT), firewalling, domain name service (DNS), caching, etc., from proprietary hardware appliances, Network functions run as software installed on high-volume service, switch and storage hardware Reduces need for dedicated (expensive) hardware, and the operating costs Networks are more agile and responsive v NFV and SDN are highly complementary, they are mutually beneficial but not dependent upon each other (NFV can be deployed without SDN and vice-versa) SDN with NFV SDN, NFV and Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) 4 © ETSI All rights reserved. FIA Athens 2014, Gaby Lenhart SDN, NFV and AMC share the same objective of enabling programmable, manageable, dynamically self- adaptable and cost-effective networks and services.
ETSI / E2NA / NTECH / AFI: Autonomic Management & Control (AMC) © ETSI All rights reserved. FIA Athens 2014, Gaby Lenhart 5 AFI Work Item (WI) #1: Scenarios, Use Cases, and Requirements for Autonomic/Self-Managing Future Internet Deliverable: GS 001 (published in 2012) AFI Work Item (WI) #2: Generic Autonomic Network Architecture (GANA) – WI#1 is driving WI#2—which is then focused on developing the Specifications of node/device/network architecture that fulfils the Requirements, Use Cases and the Scenarios put forward by WI#1 – Deliverable: GS 002 (published in 2013) AFI Work Item (WI) #3 : Instantiation of GANA to existing or Future Architectures (WI) #3.1: Autonomicity and Self-Management in the Broadband Forum (BBF) Architecture” (WI) #3.2: Autonomicity and Self-Management in the Backhaul and Core network parts of the 3GPP Architecture” (WI) #3.3: Autonomicity and Self-Management in Wireless Ad-hoc/Mesh Networks” (WI) #3.4: Autonomicity and Self-Management in IMS architecture” (WI) #3.5:Trust on Autonomic Networks (WI) #3.6: Autonomic Networks Poc (Proof of Concept ) Deliverables: 6 deliverables in progress Liaisons with other SDOs ITU-T –SG2 / SG13, BBF, 3GPP, TMForum, NGMN
IPv6 and Autonomic Networking Stds New AFI Work Items are envisaged on the IPv6 Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic Networks: Reference: ETSI Future Networks Workshop 2013: The IPv6 Community can launch the following Work Items envisaged by ETSI NTECH / AFI: IPv6-Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic 3GPP and Non-3GPP Mobile Network Reference Architectures; IPv6 Features that enable the Autonomics IPv6-Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic Broadband Forum (BBF) Reference Architecture; IPv6 Features that enable the Autonomics IPv6-Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic NGN/IMS Architecture; IPv6 Features that enable the Autonomics IPv6-Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic TISPAN CDN Reference Architecture; IPv6 Features that enable the Autonomics IPv6-Feature(s) Usage Requirements in Autonomic Wireless Adhoc/Mesh/Sensor network architectures; IPv6 Features that enable the Autonomics © ETSI All rights reserved. FIA Athens 2014, Gaby Lenhart 6
…about IoT The IoT European Research Cluster (IERC) definition states that IoT is "A dynamic global network infrastructure with self- configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network". 7 © ETSI All rights reserved
IoT research project on-going discussion… 8 IoT is shaping the evolution to an ubiquitous Internet connecting people and heterogeneous things, seamlessly integrated, anytime and everywhere. This require scalability, resilience, security, interworking between systems of systems, autonomous and trusted self-organizing networks of systems, ad hoc power consumption..and 'intelligence' (smart services). From applications down to real world there are 2 'semantic interoperability' challenges, I hope we could start with a consensus on this kind of requirements (pre-standardization): 1- at the highest level: availability of common semantic IoT domain of definition with a common structured and a common method to describe things (real, virtual, human, agregated), associated things and services, events and types of operations at highest semantic level 2- at the lowest level : availability of shared pre-build real examples of semantic things objects events operations to make the adoption of semantic things interoperability more easy to understand and to implement If different implementers of IoT as a Service could agree on such common requirements and to evolve to an open semantically interoperable IoTaaS then the IoT of the science fiction movies can happen. IoTaaS social/market adoption and fair approach between technology push and market demand requires a pre- standardization to build consensus on the vision and requirements and to evolve from today’s IoT/M2M legacy.
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