Change Facilitation Management “ACCELERATING CHANGE” Randy Benson, RHQN Executive Director
Change Management Facilitation OBJECTIVES (from January 2010 Members Conference Call) Become Aware of the Characteristics of an Effective Facilitator Become Aware of Gremlins and How They Influence Facilitators Review Effective Listening Skills Review Team Dynamics and Team Development Review Effective Meeting Management Skills Become Aware of Techniques to Use With Disruptive Team Behavior
Accelerating Change Objectives Discuss the role of the project champion, project facilitator and project team members in accelerating change Explain “Q X A = E” Identify the six steps in accelerating change Explain ”the need to change must exceed its resistance” Identify who is responsible for “scoping change” Discuss how one “develops commitment” to a change List several things that can be done to make change last
Accelerating Change
Create a Common Need Whether driven by threat or opportunity, the need for change is widely shared through data, demonstration, demand or diagnosis. Why bother? The question has to be asked in order to drive apathy or resistance out into the open What are we after? Shared recognition of the dissatisfaction with the status quo The “wake-up” call Building early momentum
Accelerating Change Scoping Change Meaningful change must have an executive sponsor or champion who is visible, active and supportive. They must be supported with a well defined scope of work Why bother? A “good start” is essential to long-term success Projects must be thoroughly ‘scoped’ What are we after? Clear understanding of the project impact Clear understanding of all team members roles, etc.
Accelerating Change Sharing a vision The desired outcome of change is clear, legitimate, widely understood and shared. The scope is linked to an organizational vision Why bother? Visions paint a picture for both the head and the heart and answers the question “Why change?” What are we after? A view of the future that is: Focused, challenging, easy to understand, evolving, behaviorable and actionable The “Elevator Speech” A 90 second articulation of the vision
Accelerating Change Developing Commitment A commitment by all participants to invest in the change, make it work, and demand and receive management attention Why bother? Need sufficient support from all stakeholders in order to develop the ‘critical mass’ needed to gain success and prevent failure What are we after? A coalition of key supporters and a conversion of key influencers
Accelerating Change Changing Organizations Making sure that management practices (staffing, development, measures, rewards, communication, etc.) are used to complement and reinforce change Why bother? The way we organize, develop and reward change has a profound impact on individual behavioral change We need to develop the capability to change What are we after? Identification of key systems and structure areas that must be addressed in order to assure long-lasting success
Accelerating Change Making Change Last Once changes is started it endures, flourishes and learning is transferred throughout the organization. The changes are incorporated into other key initiatives Why bother? Experience shows that successful, sustainable change is difficult without attention from the entire team What are we after? Consistent, viable and tangible reinforcement of the change initiative Integration of the new initiative into ongoing work patterns
Accelerating Change
Creating a common need produces the “wake- up call” that builds early momentum for the change initiative Scoping change by an actively involved executive sponsor demonstrates commitment to the change from the top down Visions provide direction and motivation for change Mobilizing commitment positions the team for downstream interventions
Accelerating Change Customer driven, “patient centered”, learning organizations become uncomfortable if they are not continuously changing Sustained change occurs when change leaders and agents build and implement strategies for making change last
Accelerating Change
Randy Benson RHQN Executive Director (206)