World Government & Politics Why bother?
The World Is Our Stage What American Knew Then & Now 20% of followed foreign affairs prior to 9/11 Few knew of global politics, world geography, or world governments yr olds: 62% of Americans (Post 9/11) were wrong on world geography –13% of same age group could identify & locate Iraq on a blank map –25% of American responses were correct »American scored the lowest on World governments & politics out of 8 countries William Shakespeare “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” The world is a uncertain & complex; –Twist, turns, evil, cynical, dramatic, heroic, and tragic More than observers: All the globe caught up in world events The script is not set – cast is not final –You can change the world
World Government & Politics Your Finances Impact of 9/11: cost U.S. $81 billion dollars (4 Months) As the world shrinks – industrial, financial, & government become linked International Trade Gas – $12 a barrel (2002) - $36 (2004) - $130 (2008) –Thanks to international government & politics we pay more at the pump Jobs – U.S. exports $972 billion of goods & services –Exporting services created 16 million jobs (13% of U.S. work force) –Loss of jobs – U.S. Imports $1.4 Trillion in goods & service = loss of jobs »Less manufactured goods from the U.S. (competition) »Inexpensive goods raise your standard of living International Financial Markets Investments of American money in foreign business (vise- versa) –American debt by 2009 (2.3 Trillion dollars) –U.S. needs foreign investors to buy bonds to pay off the interest of the national debt –No foreign investment = higher interest rates for U.S. Don’t you want to know who is investing and affecting your pocket book?
World Government & Politics National Budget & Your Finances Taxes paid to support U.S. habit in world politics & government –2002 U.S. spent $2 trillion dollars on general foreign affairs (1% of U.S. budget) –Defense spending for U.S. $349 Billion dollars (17% of U.S. budget) »U.S. accounts for 1/3 of the worlds military spending –U.S. Gov. spent 2.1 Billion (each) on 21 B-2 Bombers Higher Education – Million students enrolled in College »Annual cost room, board, & tuition = 9, 326 –Pentagon deleted one B-2 bomber ($2.1 billion dollar savings) »Give a full ride scholarship to 225,177 students at U.S. Colleges & Universities Don’t you want to know who we’re fighting? Why we spend so much? What kind of World exists?
World Government & Politics Your living Space 1999 world hit 6 billion people (100,000 yrs) –Human beings have been added quicker and quicker upon the world »2015 Target mark to reach 7 billion –Concerns – ever expanding use of environment & its resources »Use of more fossil fuels, transportation issues, global warming = 6 billion tons of carbon-dioxide »More than half the world could be facing critical water shortages in the future –Warm temperatures = melting polar caps, high sea levels »Increased natural disasters due to changing environment Disease = need a global society to combat the global problems of disease –Increase toxic gases have lead to deterioration of the ozone layer = large parts of population contracting Melanoma (Skin Cancer) –Transportation increases the risk on contracting disease – shorter travel times »2003 it took only weeks for the SARS disease to spread all over the world – From China to the U.S. World Governments & Politics did not cause these; but how can we reverse it if we don’t cooperate?
World Government & Politics Government & Political Unrest Increased Violence against civilians –9/11 opened our eyes – all the U.S. is vulnerable; everyone is a target; »More civilians are killed today than soldiers – 1980s – 1990s 85% of those killed = Civilians –War impacts Young Adults & College Age »84% killed in Vietnam = 18 – 22 (58,000) Bottom Line Study of World Governments & Politics is needed –World events impact you –We cannot close our eyes and make it go away Can you make a difference? - “Yes”. –Get involved; study the situations, take action