Peak Oil Preparedness and Parturition Kirsten Small June 2013
What does Peak Oil have to do with Parturition anyway?
- Heart valves - Urinary catheters - Sticky tape – - Antiseptics - Air conditioners - Pens - Eyeglasses – - Rubbish Bags - Plastic covers for beds – - Hearing Aids - Denture Adhesives - Computers - - Plastic Containers - Xray Machines - Stethoscopes – - Foam mattresses - Medicines - Power Cords – - Baby Baths - MRI machines - Baby Strollers - - Disposable Nappies -
Antenatal Care
Birth Care
Baby Feeding
What is the Department of Health doing to prepare for Peak Oil? What is Peak Oil?
Define Outcomes
Creatively Use and Respond to Change
Design from Patterns to Details
Capture and Store Energy
Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services
Produce No Waste
Integrate rather than Segregate
Use Small and Slow Solutions
Use and Value Diversity
Use Edges and Value the Marginal
Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback
Why bother?