Driver Communications Maximize Efficiency Improve Operations
Is it Bull? What happens if driver communications is inadequate? What happens if communications are excellent? What is your vision for your company?
Modalities Telephone (find a pay phone) Cell Phone Nextel / Mic RadioPagers Mobile Data Wifi Networks
Products KonaWare Transport Pickup and delivery, OSD, collections, signature capture Hours of Service for driver log and vehicle inspection functions Intermodal pickup/delivery GPS coordinate capture Barcode/RFID scanning Operates on-line or off-line Wide range of devices Java J2ME -- P&D and Intermodal Pocket PC P&DPocket PC HOS
User Survey What is your company doing now Would you want to change Would your dispatchers? Would your drivers?
Frequency How often is contact with the driver needed Why GPS frequency
GPS and Mapping
How Much is too Much? Big Brother Effect Big Bother Effect Why Bother Effect
Philosophy Is the driver a “partner” Is the driver a “resource” Should driver’s think, or should they be told?
Dispatch Strategy Send All Stops at once Urgency Urgency Change Change Once dispatch one or two stops out Nothing to do Nothing to do No fore-knowledge No fore-knowledge
Customer Service Benefits Real time knowledge Better answers Fewer interruptions EDI
Questions – Driver to Dispatch Directions Delay Authorization Need Work Too Much Work
Questions: Dispatch to Driver Where are you When will you be there Do you have room Do you have time Did you complete the stop
Keeping the Driver Honest Review Logs Plot Routes Tail
Keeping the Dispatcher Honest Planned vs Actual Time of Dispatch Plot Routes Check that missed pickups aren’t hidden
Keeping the Custom Honest Calls logged after report Authorizations for Delays POD status for events
KISS What makes it work, but keeps it simple Printed Manifests Mobile Data Check Calls GPS
The Future RFID will communicate directly with the system Barcodes will contain all information E-Commerce
HOS Driver Log Compliance LiabilityTools