Communicating with Parents Geraldine Harris Earnestine McRae Regina Montford Lynneth Whitten
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Communicating with Parents Overview 1.Reasons 2.Methods/examples 3.Forms and resources
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Why Bother? Research has shown that parental involvement has been associated with the following: Better academic performance Improved attendance Fewer discipline problems Decreased drug use
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Why Bother? Parental involvement in education was two times more of a predictor of academic success than a family’s socioeconomic status. Schools with intensive parental involvement programs have shown a greater effect on student performance than any other factor. The more intensive the parental involvement the more positive the effects on achievement.
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training The Importance of Parents When? Ongoing partnership
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training What is the Teacher’s Role? Before School Begins: Send a letter home to the parents Send a letter home to the student Visit the home of each student
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Relationship Builders Body Language: Project confidence (sit next or across from parent) Remain calm, friendly, and professional at all times Maintain eye contact
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Relationship Builders Get Psyched Like parent, like child Bias Be non-judgmental Behavior isn’t “bad, just interfering with learning.” Encourage parents to bring an advocate to the meeting It’s not all about you Be discreet
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Relationship Builders Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Listen and keep an open mind Make every effort to understand parent complaints and concerns Exercise empathy and focus on what is best for student
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Relationship Builders Communication is a Two-Way Street (Positive and Constructive): Address specific concerns Be proactive
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Lines of Communication: Instead of this expression…Try this…. MustShould LazyCan do better when she tries TroublemakerDisturbs the class UncooperativeWill benefit by making a greater effort to work with others Wastes timeCould learn to make better use of her time TruantAbsent without adequate documentation He will fail if …He will pass if …
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Relationship Builders Parting on Good Terms Share success stories End conferences on a positive note Thank parent for coming Enjoy the interaction!
Bibb County Public Schools Teacher Support Specialist Training Online Resources 27 tips What research says National Conference of State Legislators views National Conference of State Legislators views