Healthy future: why the voluntary sector matters Emma Easton NHS England 9 th October 2014
The NHS is founded on a common set of principles and values that bind together the communities and people it serves – patients and public – and the staff who work for it. NHS Constitution
A year of NHS England Participation Public Participation – why bother?
NHS Citizen Citizen Journalism - Access Dorset
An NHS Success story Ageing population Increasing numbers with long-term conditions 35% increase in hospital admissions in 10 years Changing patient expectations Changing demographics and use of the NHS
The future NHS?
New people in the system! Understanding the needs of communities – the JSNA? Being involved in commissioning decisions locally – co- design Lack of funding Geographic footprint of organisations Nationally working with a significant community Small numbers of people locally Who commissions services? How is the VCS faring in the localised health commissioning landscape: Challenges for the VCS in the ‘new health and care world’
Department of Health reviewed in 2007 Strategic partner programme IESD fund Volunteering fund Why a review now? New health and care landscape Policy for Department of Health, Public Health England and NHS England – health, public health and social care Changing demographics and financial situation VCSE Review in health and care
Why change is needed What success might look like How we might get there Clear vision – contribution of NHS ‘and others’ Shared understanding of the extent and nature of the gap between where we are and where we need to be Range of care models that could deliver transformation Priority areas for targeting transformation Actions nationally to create conditions for local action. The Five Year Forward View
Technology as a route to support patients and clinicians Personalisation – patients in control Peer support Personal budgets and shift in commissioning Increased recognition of needs of volunteers and better support offers – volunteers / VCS working in parity with professionals Unlocking the energy of carers “Patient and public” participation – what role for the VCS? An increasing focus on….?
Relationship with health vs. local authorities Challenging / working together Open and transparent health system? Social prescribing – routes to funding Building mutual support on self help Strengthening community ownership Engaging with commissioners in the new health and care system My thoughts on the shifting role of the VCS?
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