Creation The first doctrine taught in the Bible Answers to these questions: – –“Who is God?” – –“What is the universe?” – –“Who am I?” Every word of the Bible is inspired by God So every sentence tells us something we need to know
The truth of Creation is the basis for Metaphysics – –“What is real?” – –“What is that?” Epistemology – –“What is true?” – –“How do you know?” Ethics – –“What is moral?” – –“How should I live?”
The truth of Creation is the basis for Aesthetics – –“What is beauty?” – –“Why do I like this?” Political philosophy – –“What is just?” – –“Why should anyone let anyone else have authority over them?” Philosophy of religion – –“What is the ultimate?” – –“Why is there a universe?” – –“Where are we going?”
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The universe is the product of God Almighty. The universe is the product of God Almighty. He alone created it. He alone created it. He alone sustains it. He alone sustains it. He alone will one day replace it with a new heavens and a new earth. He alone will one day replace it with a new heavens and a new earth. –Revelation 21:1 –2 Peter 3:13
Genesis 1:1 Refutes 6 false worldviews Refutes 6 false worldviews 1. atheism 2. polytheism 3. fatalism 4. evolution 5. pantheism 6. materialism
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God” Refutes atheism Refutes atheism
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God” Refutes polytheism Refutes polytheism
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God” Refutes fatalism Refutes fatalism
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created” Refutes evolution Refutes evolution
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created” Refutes pantheism Refutes pantheism
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created” Refutes materialism Refutes materialism
Correct Beliefs God gives us truth to embrace God gives us truth to embrace That truth leads us to reject falsehood That truth leads us to reject falsehood What separates people from other people? What separates people from other people? 1.Language 2.Genetics 3.History 4.Worldview Which of these do we have the best chance of changing? Which of these do we have the best chance of changing?
Worldview: What it means A set of presuppositions we hold about the basic make-up of our world A set of presuppositions we hold about the basic make-up of our world The sum total of a person’s answers to the most important questions in life The sum total of a person’s answers to the most important questions in life A set of eyeglasses through which we view the events of life A set of eyeglasses through which we view the events of life A lexicon for experience A lexicon for experience
Worldview Metaphors Camera filter and lens Camera filter and lens –Filter out certain wavelengths –Zoom in for a close-up –Zoom out for a panoramic view Controlled vocabulary Controlled vocabulary –Classification and cataloging Framework of a building Framework of a building –Structure for habitation and storage
Presuppositions: Knowledge Starting Points “You have to BELIEVE something before you can KNOW anything.” - Augustine “You have to BELIEVE something before you can KNOW anything.” - Augustine Godel’s Theorem Godel’s Theorem –You cannot prove the internal consistency of any system Let’s do the “Why exercise” Let’s do the “Why exercise” “You have to BELIEVE something before you can KNOW anything.” - Augustine “You have to BELIEVE something before you can KNOW anything.” - Augustine Godel’s Theorem Godel’s Theorem –You cannot prove the internal consistency of any system Let’s do the “Why exercise” Let’s do the “Why exercise”
Worldview: Why bother, if we have facts? A fact does not exist in a theory-free vacuum, devoid of perspective, or passion A fact does not exist in a theory-free vacuum, devoid of perspective, or passion –No such thing as raw fact or brute fact A person in the possession of a “fact” already has a worldview that makes that fact relevant to him A person in the possession of a “fact” already has a worldview that makes that fact relevant to him –If you don’t have that worldview, the fact won’t be relevant to you
Worldview: Why bother, if we have facts? Examples Examples –Dr. Bernard Nathanson and ultrasound –A bloodhound’s sense of smell Without a worldview, “facts” cannot be brought into focus or into harmony Without a worldview, “facts” cannot be brought into focus or into harmony –Isolated bits of data need an organizing program in order to become usable
Worldview: Paradigm Influence Without a paradigm, “facts” cannot be brought into focus or into harmony Without a paradigm, “facts” cannot be brought into focus or into harmony –Isolated bits of data need an organizing program to be usable The new paradigm forever shapes one’s perception of the facts The new paradigm forever shapes one’s perception of the facts You can’t “unsee” the old lady You can’t “unsee” the old lady
Worldview: Why bother, if we have experience? “A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.” “A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.” –Sounds convincing, but –It leaves crucial questions unanswered 1.What do you mean by experience? experience 2.What did you experience that event as? Examples Experience lacks meaning if there is no attempt to explain it Experience lacks meaning if there is no attempt to explain it Experience has transmission problems Experience has transmission problems
Some Worldview Questions What is really real? What is really real? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is there something rather than nothing? What is human nature? What is human nature? What happens to a person after death? What happens to a person after death? How do you determine right and wrong? How do you determine right and wrong? Why is it possible to know anything at all? Why is it possible to know anything at all? What is the meaning of history? What is the meaning of history?
Why Someone’s Worldview Changes Human Causes (indirect) Human Causes (indirect) –Crisis occurs –Denied doubt festers –A moment of reflection followed by illumination takes place Divine Causes (direct) Divine Causes (direct) –Father reveals (Matthew 16:18) –Son reveals (John 17:9) –Spirit reveals (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
How a Worldview Makes a Difference: An Example 9/11/2001: A handful of men fly jets into American buildings. Why? Some people held these beliefs: 9/11/2001: A handful of men fly jets into American buildings. Why? Some people held these beliefs: –“All supporters of Israel are legitimate targets.” –“We are at war with America.” –“Only an Islamic fundamentalist government is acceptable.” –“We will be in Paradise after these noble acts.” No worldview = No actions No worldview = No actions No worldview = No words No worldview = No words No worldview = No thoughts No worldview = No thoughts
A Worldview Provides Panorama view: A Frame of Reference Panorama view: A Frame of Reference –The Big Picture (Macroscopic) –The whole tapestry –View from the mountaintop –Lacks definition Zoom view: A Point of Focus Zoom view: A Point of Focus –Microscopic –A view of the threads –A view from the valley of a single item on the ground –Detailed vision of one or of a few things –Lacks perspective
Worldview: Creationism Three essential elements Three essential elements 1. Creation account 2. Fall of humanity 3. Flood All of these must be studied and understood All of these must be studied and understood Sources: Sources: 1. God’s Word 2. God’s World 3. Our own hearts
Review 1. Name the 6 worldviews that are refuted by the first verse of the Bible. 2. What difference does a worldview make? 3. Why are facts and experience not sufficient information for life?
Preview Read Genesis 1 & 2 as if Read Genesis 1 & 2 as if –You had no preconceived ideas about the origin of the universe –You were an alien from some other dimension who had just arrived in this universe by accident What is preventing you from accepting the testimony of God about the origin of all things as actually true? What is preventing you from accepting the testimony of God about the origin of all things as actually true?