1:00 – 1:30
First started pre-populating in 2010 AGS QUALNTIT and MAJ1-MAJ4 Added PREPOPMODE or PREPOP
1 = pre-population used, no changes by graduate 2 = pre-population used, QUALNTIT changed by graduate 3 = pre-population used, any of MAJ1-MAJ4 changed by graduate 4 = pre-population used, QUALNTIT AND any of MAJ1- MAJ4 changed by graduate
Total number of 39,452 valid cases 29.4% valid cases 87.7% of graduates didn’t change anything 12.3% of graduates changed a variable 0.9% the qualification title 10.2% changed a major 1.2% changed both
Data from 5 reliable institutions were analysed Total number of 10,180 valid cases 96.8% didn’t change anything 3.2% (327 cases) changed something 21.4% qualification title changes 74.6% major title changes 4.0% changed both variables
Sex No ChangesChanged Something 38.6% male 61.1% female 36.7% male 62.7% female
Age No ChangesChanged Something 16.2% 23 year olds 15.3% 22 year olds 15.9% 23 year olds 12.8% 22 year olds
Level of Qualification No ChangesChanged Something 54.9% Bachelor degree graduates 16.8% Master degree by coursework 49.5% Bachelor degree graduates 14.7% Master degree by coursework
Mode of Study No ChangesChanged Something 80.1% Internal / on campus 12% external / off campus 8% mixed mode 77.3% internal / on campus 15.6% external / distance 7.1% mixed mode
Major field of study Law had the most changes with 6.4% Education Studies, Accounting and Business Management 4.6%
Pre-Population is working? Grads can’t read? (or don’t bother) More accurate data? All of the above?