Nancy Trimm is passionate about working with libraries and organizations across the state as a Public Computer Center Trainer for the Colorado State Library. In her free time, Nancy runs, hikes, skis, and competes in Warrior Dash competitions. Follow her on Kieran Hixon, known for his high energy and humor, lives on forty acres with 7 adults, a child, and a myriad of chickens, dogs, and feral cats. He works as a Public Computer Center Trainer for the Colorado State Library in his spare time. Follow him on twitter Crystal Schimpf is a Public Computer Center Trainer for the Colorado State Library. She works with libraries to coordinate technology instruction, design curriculum, and provide staff training. In her free time she enjoys hiking, biking, vegan baking, and music making. Follow her on
Tech Training Skills for 21 st Century Library Staff Kieran Hixon Crystal Schimpf Nancy Trimm
Using the Pointer You’ll be asked to use your pointer on the next slide. First click on the Arrow just above the slide. Then click on the slide to indicate your answer.
What do you do? Assist PublicTrain StaffSupervise Staff
These Questions Will Be Answered What are competencies? Why are competencies valuable for library tech trainers? What are the competencies for library tech trainers? How do we support competency-based training?
of rural libraries are the only provider of free Internet
Have you helped people learn about technology?
67% received one-on-one help from library staff 14% attended a computer training at the library
Equal Access
Competencies Lead to Success Measurable Skills & Knowledge
Classroom Instructional Delivery Skills CompetencySkills/Knowledge Receive feedback from learners and respond by adapting instruction to meet their needs Check in with learners to ensure they are understanding concepts Adapt classroom activities based on individual learning preferences, level of skill, and level of support needed Allow learners time to evaluate the class and the effectiveness of the trainer Using effective classroom training techniques and adapting instruction to meet the needs of learners.
Good at Tech does not equal Good at Teaching
Increase staff knowledge and skills
Improve customer service
Establish standards
Learn 21 st Century literacy skills
Create a culture of learning
Competencies + Training + Personal Learning Plan
Technology Trainer Competencies
CompetenciesSkills/Knowledge Practice effective training techniques.Present ideas clearly. Use a variety of approaches to accommodate learning styles. Actively listen to learner input. Be prepared to deal with difficult situations. Individual Instructional Skills Understand the necessity for personalized and individual instruction
Where do you go to learn?
How do you create a training program?
@bfhenboy Colorado Public Computer CentersColorado Public Computer Centers (Colorado State Library: 2011) Technology Trainer CompetenciesTechnology Trainer Competencies (Colorado State Library: April, 2011) Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill Of RightsAccess to Digital Information, Services, and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill Of Rights (American Library Association: July 15, 2009) Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study (American Library Association: June 2011) Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access at U.S. Libraries Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access at U.S. Libraries (University of Washington Information School: March, 2010)