Manitoba Cervical Cancer Screening Program April 2010
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 HPVPap TestHPV VaccineFollow Up $400
HPVPap TestHPV VaccineFollow Up $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $400 $1000 $200
Category 1 $200 A common virus found in both men and women: some types can cause genital warts, some types can cause cervical cancer.
Category 1 $400 The way HPV is transmitted from person to person.
Category 1 $600 The rate of HPV infection among Canadian men and women.
Category 1 $800 A website that you can go to for more information about Pap tests and HPV.
Category 1 $1000 Eat a well balanced diet, exercise, don ’ t smoke and avoid second-hand smoke.
Category 1 $200-Response What is Human Papillomavirus?
Category 1 $400-Response What is intimate genital contact?
Category 1 $600-Response What are 3 out of 4 people within their lifetime?
Category 1 $800-Response What is
Category 1 $1000-Response What are ways to help fight off an HPV infection?
Category 2 $200 This test takes cells from a woman ’ s cervix, places them on a slide and sends them to a lab for assessment.
Category 2 $400 The recommended frequency for a Pap test.
Category 2 $600 Persons who should get Pap tests.
Category 2 $800 Another name for abnormal cervical cells.
Category 2 $1000 Two ways I can find out about my Pap test results.
Category 2 $200-Response What is a Pap test?
Category 2 $400-Response What is every 2 years?
Category 2 $600-Response What are all sexually active women?
Category 2 $800-Response What is cervical dysplasia?
Category 2 $1000-Response What is the MCCSP and the health care provider who performed the test?
Category 3 $200 This vaccine was approved for use in Canada in July 2006 to prevent against HPV 16 & 18 which cause over 70% of cervical cancers and 6 & 11 which cause 90% of genital warts.
Category 3 $400 The HPV vaccine is offered to grade 6 girls through the HPV Immunization Program for this reason.
Category 3 $600 This vaccine is not recommended to these groups of people.
Category 3 $800 $500 is the cost for these groups of people who want Gardasil.
Category 3 $1000 This test is still required on a regular basis after a woman has received the HPV vaccine and has been sexually active for at least three years.
Category 3 $200-Response What is Gardasil?
Category 3 $400-Response What is to give them the vaccine BEFORE they become sexually active?
Category 3 $600-Response What are pregnant women and females under the age of 9?
Category 3 $800-Response What are females outside of the grade 6 Immunization Program as well as all males?
Category 3 $1000-Response What is a Pap test?
Category 4 $200 A test that sometimes needs to be repeated if there is a low-grade abnormal or unsatisfactory result the first time around.
Category 4 $400 The database at the Manitoba Cervical Cancer Screening Program that maintains Pap tests and colposcopy results.
Category 4 $600 This will happen if I am overdue for a Pap test.
Category 4 $800 An examination of the cervix and vagina using a low-powered magnifying instrument.
Category 4 $1000 Laser, LEEP, cone biopsy.
Category 4 $200-Response What is a Pap test?
Category 4 $400-Response What is the Registry?
Category 4 $600-Response What is an invitation letter will be sent?
Category 4 $800-Response What is a colposcopy?
Category 4 $1000-Response What are treatments for abnormal cells?
Final Jeopardy Place your wager …
Final Jeopardy You have 1 minute to consult… 1 in 4 women will have one of these in her lifetime.
Final Jeopardy You have 30 seconds to consult… 1 in 4 women will have one of these in her lifetime.
Final Jeopardy You have 15 seconds to consult… 1 in 4 women will have one of these in her lifetime.
Final Jeopardy Time Is Up 1 in 4 women will have one of these in her lifetime.
Final Jeopardy - Response What is an abnormal Pap test?
Jeopardy Thank you for playing Cervical Cancer Screening Jeopardy!