EU-ERASMUS Intensive Programme IP Library, Information and Cultural Management – Academic Summer School (IP LibCMASS) Sofia ( ) Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 SULSIT TEAM
State University of Library Studies and Information Technology Student Team and Project Coordinator – Assoc. Prof. PhD Tania Todorova
Emiliya Sirakova She’s third year student of Library Management at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology; She ‘re pleased to participate in this project and get more knowledge related to the culture and traditions of the students from other countries. My favourite Topics are: “Library, Information and Cultural Management”, "Preservation and access to cultural heritage. Digital Libraries" and "Information technologies in libraries, archives and cultural institutions. Information Literacy".
Aneta Raykova She’s from Sofia, Bulgaria.; She is learning “Library Management” at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology; She’s second year in Bachelor Program; She’s 26 years old, she have a husband and child, her name is Victoria and she is 2 years old; She likes sports, but prefer to play tennis with her friend in the University; Her hobbies are reading books, watching television and shopping; TOPIC: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARIES, ARCHIVES AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS. INFORMATION LITERACY.
Dimana Yankova She,s from Sofia, Bulgaria; Second year student at Bachelor program Library Management in the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies; She likes to spend her free time with friends or with a good book or movie; Her favourite activities are traveling, mountineering, cycling, going on concerts and festivals; Topic: Library, Information and Cultural Management.
Petya Berezova She is from Sofia, Bulgaria; Second year student at Bachelor Program Library Management at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology; IP LibCMASS project for her is a big step in her professional training; She loves sports and in her free time she runs in the park, walking with friends, swimming; Topic: Preservation and access to cultural heritage. Digital libraries.
Hristo Hristov He’s 24 years old and he likes the same activities like other people on his age; 3rd year student in State University of Library Studies and Information Technology; Bachelor program Information Brokering; His sport activities are basketball and in the summer - jogging; He wants to be a part of the IP LibCMASS project because it is something like one of the life time opportunity to get this knowledge from first hand; He can be defined as an active student, because for him the process of learning is not based only on the academic preparation for exams.
Mariana Talanova She was born on 21 march 1984 year in Sofia; She is graduated at the Secondary School "A.S.Popov“ - specialty communication equipment; Now she’s a 3 rd year Bachelor Student at Librarianship and Bibliography in the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology; She is interested in literature, poetry, music, theater, cinema, ect.; Her favourite hobby and passion is Photography; Topic : INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. INFORMATION BROKERING.
Yordan Atanasov He was born 1989 in Sofia, Bulgaria; He is graduated at Sofia vocational school in Electronics, "John Atanasov“; Now he’s fourth year Bachelor Student at Information Technology in the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology ; His hobby is the gym. Every day he likes to finish with a workout in the gym.
Mihail Urilski He’s 25 years old. He was born in 1985 in Plovdiv; His parents live in a small village near Plovdiv, named Kuklen; He moved to Sofia and graduated at the Faculty of Theology at Sofia University; Now he’s studying 3 rd year Bachelor Program Information Funds of Historical and Cultural Heritage at State University Of Library Studies And Information Technology; He likes football, volleyball and tennis. In his free time he watches movies or sports - mainly football. Sometimes he just listen to music and read books or magazines.
Angelina Petrova She’s theologian – she is graduated Faculty of Theology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” ; Now she is studying at SULSIT – 3 rd year Bachelor Program Information Funds of Historical and Cultural Heritage; Her hobby is dancing folklore dances; Topic: Preservation and access to cultural heritage. Digital libraries.
JORDAN TRAYKOV He is graduated B. A. at Information Funds of Historical and Cultural Heritage; Now he is a 2nd year Master Student of Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology. His hobby is reading of historical books and novels. He is interested in military history and military monuments. Topic in IP LibCMASS: PRESERVATION AND ACCESS TO CULTURAL HERITAGE. DIGITAL LIBRARIES
Valentina Misheva She was born in Sofia on 11 January 1987; In 2010 she is graduated B. A. at Information Funds of Historical and Cultural Heritage; Now she is a 2 nd year Master Student at Media Information & Advertising in the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology, Sofia; In her free time she likes to walk, to travel, to consider and study the cultural sights in Bulgaria and abroad.
This project IP LibCMASS, Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technology, Sofia and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’ “Този проект ИП БИКМ-АЛУ, Договор № 2011-ERA-IP-7, е финансиран с подкрепата на Европейската комисия. Тази публикация отразява само личните виждания на нейния автор - Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии в София, и от Комисията не може да бъде търсена отговорност за използването на съдържащата се в нея информация”.
EU-ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) 2011: IP Library, Information and Cultural Management – Academic Summer School (IP LibCMASS) Sofia 2011 SULSIT TEAM