MOTHER OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE DRAFT Organizational Schema –January 11, 2011
Mission Statement “We the Parish of Mother of Divine Providence, are of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Nourished by Eucharist and guided by the example of Mary our Mother, we are called to open ourselves to an intimate relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. As a welcoming community, we strive to live our Catholic faith and to foster and share this faith through Worship, Formation and Catholic Action.”
Finance Council Pastoral Council Secretaries Director Catechetical Formation of Children & RCIA Worship Principal School for Parochial Education Business Manager Director, Parish Services Formation Catholic Action
Pastor The mandate of the Pastor is to shepherd the parish in unity to full communion with Christ, the Church. – The Pastor prays for the people entrusted to his care and spiritually guides them in union with the Archbishop, as their father in faith. – He supports and encourages the building up of the Catholic community to be united with each other in mission and goal. – He faithfully & obediently calls the People of God to be in communion with the Church and leads them through the sacraments and prayer - in Worship, Formation and Catholic Action in the world.
Clergy The clergy of our parish (priests, deacons, and guest celebrants) have been sent by our Archbishop to assist him in the exercise of his episcopal ministry directly through them. Alongside our Archbishop and pastor, the clergy are committed to promoting the mission of the laity in the Church and in the world. This responsibility is fulfilled in: – Developing their own spirituality by seeking holiness in their lives. – Nourishing holiness in the lives of the faithful through their active involvement in the liturgical life of the parish and in works of charity. – Always working to foster, among all people, peace and harmony based on justice. – Sharing with the pastor in his responsibility for teaching, sanctifying and leading the faithful of our community. – Under the direction of the pastor, being actively involved in parish ministries and organizations.
The Pastoral Council The Pastoral Council is an elected and appointed body gathered to advise the pastor in his pastoral ministry. The pastor communicates with the pastoral council as do they with him, the shared desire to discern through the Holy Spirit the right application of the parish mission statement. Members include: – Appointed members: Deacon Dillon, Christa Faustman, Lucille Young, Sister Veronica, Steve Gibbons
Questions How does the Pastoral Council promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the Council promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the Council in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
The Finance Council The Finance Council is an appointed body gathered to advise the pastor in his responsibility of being a good steward of the parish’s resources. – The Council is chaired by the Business Manager Consultants include: Business Manager and the Principal of the School. Members are: Steve Gibbons, Phil Fogli, Andrew Pedlow, Anthony Galani, Margaret D’ Agostino, Alex Kroll, Karen Pedano
Questions How does the Finance Council promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the Council promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the Council in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Business Manager – responsibilities include the maintenance of all financial information for the parish according to Archdiocesan guidelines; the management of human resource matters, assistance in hiring and supervision of the training of new parish employees; administration of the maintenance and upkeep of the parish’s physical plant; and the supervision of financial aspects of parish organizations.
Administrative & Pastoral Staff Executive Secretary – Requiring great attention to detail which must always be efficient and creative, the executive secretary works with the pastor in organizing & accomplishing the many needs and obligations involved in his pastoral ministry – The Executive Secretary is responsible for parish information and data systems – The Executive Secretary serves as Staff Technology resource person and assists in School Tuition Management. Parish Secretary – Serves as Parish Office Receptionist, Facilities Scheduling Coordinator and Records Manager.
Director of Parish Services – Offers service to the parish and in particular to those members who are materially and spiritually poor. – Coordinates outreach to the homebound with the assistance of Care Ministers, Transportation Ministry and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. – Provides spiritual opportunities such as pilgrimages, retreat days and prayer sessions. – Provides opportunities for the parishioners to engage in Catholic action. – Coordinates the Bereavement Ministry, the MDP Seniors’ Group, schedules the Pre-Jordan Program and infant baptisms. – Assists the pastor in his ministry.
Questions How do the Administrative & Pastoral Staff promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the Staff promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the Staff in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Director of Catechetical Formation for Children & RCIA – Mother of Divine Providence, as a part of her Catechetical Formation Program establishes a School for the Religious Formation of her children. The Director of Catechetical Formation is delegated by the Pastor to oversee the overall School Program and authenticate it as faithful to the Church. – The Director of Catechetical Formation is also delegated by the Pastor to coordinate the RCIA Program in the parish.
Questions How do the Schools for Catechetical Formation of Children & RCIA promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of these Schools promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define these Schools in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Principal, Parochial Education – Mother of Divine Providence, as a part of her Catechetical Formation Program establishes a Parochial School. – The Principal is delegated by the Pastor to oversee the overall School Program and authenticate it as faithful to the Church.
Questions How does the Parochial School promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the School promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the School in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Parish Committee on Worship Altar Society Choir & Cantors Contemporary Guitar Group Director, Pastoral Services Director, Religious Education Greeters Environment Eucharistic Adoration Ministries of the Altar Sacristans Ushers
Questions How does the organization promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the organization promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the organization in terms of worship, formation and Catholic Action?
Parish Committee on Formation Why Catholic? Leadership Group CYO Athletic Association Bible Study Landings Children’s Liturgy of the Word Marriage Preparation Program Respect Life Group Youth Group School for Parish Religious Formation & RCIA School of Parochial Education Women’s Walk Pre-Jordan Program
Questions How does the organization promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the organization promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the organization in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Parish Committee on Catholic Action Transportation Ministry Persons with Disabilities Parish Nurse Ministries Parish Hospitality Committee MDP Seniors Legion of Mary Knights of Columbus Intercessory Prayer Group Home & School Association Girl Scouts Boy Scouts Charismatic Prayer Group Parish Community Carnival Care Ministers Bereavement Ministry Counters
Questions How does the organization promote the parish mission as defined in her statement? What activities of the organization promote its members in their personal relationship with Jesus, adoration of the Eucharist and their devotion to Mary? What activities define the organization in terms of Worship, Formation and Catholic Action?
Stated Goals To become a one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. To be nourished by the Eucharist To be guided by the example of Mary, our Mother To open ourselves to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ To become a welcoming community To live our Catholic faith by fostering and sharing this faith through worship, formation and Catholic Action.”
Goals for 2012