SCOTXED FORUM Data Matching and Developments Pete Whitehouse
Future Plans for Increasing the Value of Collections Data Matching – what is it? –a technique for combining data from different sources through the use of a common identifier qualifications, attendance, area deprivation measure, gender leaver destinations, age, gender, qualifications looked after status, deprivation, gender, attendance linking with other surveys – Growing up in Scotland etc
Why do it ? Adds value to current collections Done for the purposes of producing improved statistical analyses and research to inform policy decisions improved statistical techniques mean analyses more robust users interest is in more than the headline figures Nobody else can Need to support academia and educational researchers Reduces burden of future collections
Any Issues ? Data Protection Act SG holds data as a Data Controller and use of data for research and analysis covered by DPA SG works in accordance with Official Statistics Code of Practice Work is purely for analytical purposes Sharing data with Third Parties Allowable under DPA – and appropriate agreements in place (for example sharing with Growing Up in Scotland) Quality of data Requires data quality to be consistent and high
Data Developments Timetable Agreed through consultation Lead time allows relevant changes to be made to MIS Names Intention is to start collecting names as part of the regular data exchanges – for the purpose of data matching Ethnicity and National identity Need to implement the revised classifications for 2011 Censuses (likely to be agreed by Parliament in March 2010) Disability Need to move away from ASN classifications
Reducing Burden / Streamlining An important priority for Government – recent report from the Chief Statistician Official Statistics Assessment 14 Statistical products being assessed in December 09