Double Fudge by Judy Blume Question Bank Target Level: Intermediate Low Day 1: Chapter 1 and 2 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 3-25 Step 1: Character Analysis and Setting Directions: Describe each character’s behavior and other characteristics. Fudge Behavior: __________________ Other Characteristics: ________________ 2. Peter 3. Tootsie 4. Sheila Tubman
5. Fudge’s dad (Warren) Behavior: __________________ Other Characteristics: ________________ 4. Fudge’s mom (Anne) 5. Mitch McCall Directions: Tell where and when the following important events in the story happened. Event title: The Miser Event Title: Shoes and News Directions: Tell the ideas shared by the characters in the following situations. Money (Fudge, Sheila) Farley Drexel Hatcher Bank (Fudge, Mitch McCall) ATM (Fudge, Mommy) Cat out of the bag (Peter, Jimmy) SoHo (Pete, Mommy, Fudge) Step 2: Combination Learning (Character Analysis and Setting) Where did Fudge see Sheila Tubman? Why did Fudge want to buy New York City? Where did Fudge go to buy shoes? Where is that Shoe store located?
Step 3: Plot General Questions: How does the story begin? What is the conflict in the story? Who solved the conflict? How was the conflict resolved? Day 2: Chapter 3 and 4 Session 2: Personal Story Target Pages: 26-48 Directions: Tell your personal story based on the given scenario. Situation 1: Pete’s mom sometimes tells him that he is just his dad. Because Pete doesn’t know what’s going on around him. Hypothetical Question: Does your mom tell you that you got your dad’s bad attitudes or acts? Situation 2: Fudge’s mom want shim to have a class with mixed-up children. Pete quite disagreed about it. Hypothetical Question: If you were Fudge, would you like to go into a class of mixed-up children. Situation 3: Pete was worried about his first day of seventh grade. Hypothetical Question: What do you feel about starting a new school? Did you feel nervous on the first day of school? Why or Why not?
? ? Day 3: Chapter 5 and 6 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 49 – 63 Infer what would happen next based on the sequence of situations. B. Infer what the character would do using the given clues. Jimmy asked Pete to come down to his new place. Pete took the subway with his Dad, Fudge and Tootsie. Pete noticed Fudge was only wearing one shoe. ? Jimmy and Pete started playing Sock Hockey. A man named Goren started banging the door of Jimmy’s apartment. ?
? C. Infer the ending of the story based on the given story strips. Fudge was sent to the school counselor to be evaluated. Fudge’s parents got a call from the school counselor. ? Day 4: Chapter 7 and 8 Session 4: Power Reading and Power Speaking (Integrated Tasks) Target Pages: 64-87 Power Reading Directions: Read the given passage aloud using proper pause, stress and rhythm. It was Grandma’s idea to take Fudge to Washington, D.C., to see the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. “Let him see the green stuff hot off the press,” she said to Dad, while the two of them were doing the dinner dishes. “What green stuff?” Fudge asked. They thought he was safely tucked away in bed but I’d seen him crawl under the kitchen table, where he was listening to every word.
Power Speaking Directions: Read the following words or phrases with proper pronunciation. Totally useless~ Back together~ Hatcher~ Chunky woman with freckles~ Straw-colored hair~ Directions: Define each of the following words or phrases and make a complete sentence for each. Long-lost cousin~ Coincidence~ Pregnant~ Dizzy~ Video~ Directions: Respond to the questions based on the learned words or phrases. How long is a woman pregnant for? Have you met your long-lost cousin? Do you know a chunky woman with freckles? Is doing homework totally useless?
Day 5: Chapter 9 and 10 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 88-118 Step 1: Character Analysis and Setting Directions: Describe each character’s behavior and other characteristics. Cousin Howie Behavior: __________________ Other Characteristics: ________________ Weird Actions: _________________ Uncle Barley 3. Flora and Fauna 4. Eudora (Howie’s wife)
Directions: Tell where and when the following important events in the story happened. Event title: The Panda Poop Club Event Title: Bird on Strike Directions: Tell the ideas shared by the characters in the following situations. Hot fudge (Howie and Warren) Forest Rangers (Eudora and Fudge’s mom) Advertising (Howie and Warren) Panda Poop Club ( Mom, Fudge and Pete) Panda (Jane, Fudge) Step 2: Combination Learning (Character Analysis and Setting) How did Warren meet Cousin Warren? Who are the members of Cousin Warren’s family? What did Fudge do in the National Zoo? What did Grandma cook for Pete and Fudge? Step 3: Plot General Questions: How does the story begin? What is the conflict in the story? Who solved the conflict? How was the conflict resolved?
Day 6: Chapter 11 and 12 Session: Personal Story Target Pages: 119-150 Directions: Tell your personal story based on the given scenario. Situation 1: Fudge doesn’t want Tootsie to come to the art gallery in SoHo. Pete reminded him that he’ll get over it as he did when he was young. Hypothetical Question: Why do most children don’t want to have a baby brother or sister? Situation 2: The Howies are sleeping in the living room of Fudge’s house. Fudge’s family members tried hard not to disturb their guests’ sleep. Hypothetical Question: How do you feel when there are guests in your house? What do you do to make them feel comfortable? Situation 3: Pete’s mom said that schools in New York have very strict policies. Hypothetical Question: What are some of the strict policies that your school has? Situation 4: Howie doesn’t want Flora and Fauna to eat unhealthy foods. He is very strict when it comes to their food. Hypothetical Question: What does your mom tell you not to eat? Are there any foods that you shouldn’t eat?
? ? Day 7: Chapter 13 and 14 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 151-178 Infer what would happen next based on the sequence of situations. B. Infer what the character would do using the given clues. Sheila invited Flora and Fauna for a sleepover Howie and Eudora argued about it. Finally, Howie and Eudora decided to meet Sheila’s family. ? Pete and his dad had to meet at the animal hospital because Uncle Farley had a broken wing. They put the bird back into his cage and gave him some pear. ?
? C. Infer the ending of the story based on the given story strips. Day 8: Chapter 15 and 16 Session 4: Power Reading and Power Speaking (Integrated Tasks) Target Pages: 179- 213 Power Reading Directions: Read the given passage aloud using proper pause, stress and rhythm. It was so great to have the apartment back to ourselves. It felt huge. It felt peaceful. Whoever thoughts life with my family could ever feel peaceful? No more wait to use the bathroom. No more hot dogs in rolls lined up on the living room floor. With the Howies staying in the Chen’s apartment, I’d hardly ever have to see them. Jimmy and Mr. Fargo came to Pete’s house. Mr. Fargo gave a flat package to Fudge’s mom. ?
Power Speaking Directions: Read the following words or phrases with proper pronunciation. Self-service~ Halloween~ On the inside~ All the kids~ For a minute~ Directions: Define each of the following words or phrases and make a complete sentence for each. Vampire teeth~ a lot of candy~ Trick-or-treaters~ Invitation~ Disaster~ Directions: Respond to the questions based on the learned words or phrases. What are the things that you like about Halloween? What are the kinds of disasters that you know? Do you send invitation when there is a party in your house? Do you like someone who likes eating a lot of candies?