1 LHC Masterclass: overview of people working International Masterclasses > 80 Institutes, 23 countries, has huge inertia! Covering LHC as a whole > 2011: ATLAS+CMS idea: 2 measurements for choice (e.g. W and Z) > 2012: single days for ALICE? LHC-b? EPPOG project Working group Learning with CERN ( EC project 2009/2010) Institutes in Sweden,Greece, UK, Austria, LBL (+ evaluation in Germany) HYPATIA (Christine Kourkoumelis et al) MINERVA (Monika Wielers, Pete Watkins et al) AMELIA (Michael Barnett, Joao Pequenao et al) Local Experiences existing see next page CMS ? ALICE Strangeness enhancement see Yiota’s talk LHC-b Thoughts in progress Other OGRE (ROOT-based, any experiment, very advanced) Globus event display (probably not suited for Masterclasses)
First local experiences with complete LHC masterclass UK, MINERVA (Monika Wielers, RAL; Pete Watkins, Birmingham) RAL: measure the ratio W/Z plus a hidden H--> ZZ Runs smoothly, students especially love the Higgs part Using Atlantis is very easy, students like that we use the same tools as in the real experiment ID of too many particles a bit difficult for those with too few HEP background Depending on time, more complicated measurements could be add Athens, HYPATIA (Christine Kourkoumelis) As far as I know: students‘ experience with Z and H ZZ Stockholm (Erik Johansson) Starting with K0 identification with *real* ATLAS data Needs special relativity, invariant mass, lifetime talk at ATLAS Outreach meeting in February 2
Working group Task: pursuing the development of the LHC masterclass for 2011 and beyond measurement by Developing the tasks Embedding in existing packages (HYPATIA, MINERVA, …) Tests Advice (Physics, Didactics, Organisation) Members from EPPOG LHC Experiments (initially ATLAS+CMS) Existing packages Masterclass organizers Didactics Planned to have video meeting 1/month So far just one:
In Detail Developing the tasks Konrad Jende, Dresden (Didactics Ph.D student) René Schulz, Dresden (student teacher thesis til June 2010) preselecting the LHC event samples for W and Z path Julia Eckert (special high school thesis til January 2011) test René‘s preselection on real data Supervision: Michael Kobel, Gesche Pospiech (Prof. Didactics) Embedding in existing packages (HYPATIA, MINERVA, …) MINERVA: Pete Watkins HYPATHIA: Christine Kourkoumelis AMELIA: ??? (Joao) CMS: ??? Tests Ivan Melo: test with students Marge Bardeen, Ken Cecire: discuss concept with teachers Uta Bilow: organize tests in German „Netzwerk Teilchenwelt“ Advice Physics (Michael, Dave, Pete, Christine, Ivan, …) Didactics( Gesche Pospiech, Marge Bardeen, Ken Cecire) Embedding in MC Organisation( Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire) 4