Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
We gave our media a certificate of 15 so our target audience would be anyone over 15. Our main target audience would be people aged 15 to 35 because they are the most frequent cinema goers. Our anti hero is aged 25 so it will entice our main target audience. Our media is aimed at mainstream audience of people who like psychological thrillers and horror This is because we have used quite allot of typical conventions of this genre in our media, this is quite a common genre so it should appeal to the masses. Our film is set in Brittan and the characters are British so our secondary target audience is British people. our film is also filmed in Brittan may possible attract a niche audience of people who like to watch films specifically because they are made by British film makers in Brittan. Our main actor would be a well known actor, as our film is big budget, witch would attract anyone who is a big of this actor and make them also part of our target audience. We based our media on the book roar witch is finically brilliant for a film because it would make any one who has red the book part of our target audience. Bringing a representation of fiction to a fan base is very hard to achieve as it is easy to get it very wrong hopefully our film can get good reviews form this part of our target audience that would encourage people who have not red the book to see the film.
Our film is similar to the film ‘Shutter Island’ and so anyone who enjoyed that film will be our target audience also. The target audience for se7en is very like ours, teenage or young adult male and females. The stars are supposed to be attractive for the woman. The men will be attracted by the mystery horror and suspense of the film. This film also has a old male villain like ours that will attract people who enjoy that kind of villain It is a thriller film with horror and crime aspects and so will attract anyone who is into this genre.
This is Pete. Pete would be part of our target audience because he is interested in darker more twisted films with psychological elements and scenes of horror. Pete enjoys to be scared and feel the adrenalin rush that a psychological thriller can provide. Pete is a lover of dark clothes so would probably be into the Senseless merchandise we would be putting out to accompany the film. Pete is a young adult so most likely has a large group of friends very like himself that will all be seeing the movie as well creating another motive for him to go as missing out would be a form of exclusion. Pete and his friend enjoy going to the cinima at weekends especerly in winter when it is cold and wet, this is the time our film is coming out. Other films he may enjoy are; se7en, brain dead and spiderman.