By. Jonah Liss
Index Slide 3 Roger Federer Slide 4 Rafael Nadal Slide 5 Pete Samprese Slide 6 Rod Laver Slide 7 Novak Djokavic Slide 8 Andre Aggisi Slide 9 Andy Murry Slide 10 glossery
Roger Federer Most people would say Roger Federer is the best tennis player of all time. He won 16 grand slams or opens. He made 69 million dollars in his career. He was born in Switzerland. His birthday is Augaest 8. He has a one handed backhand. He’s 6 foot 1. He turned pro in 1998.
Rafael Nadal Rafel Nadal won 7 grand slams or opens. His birthday is June 3. He is lefthanded. And has a two handed backhand. He is 24 years old. He has the most spin in tennis right now. He is from Spain. He’s won 47 million dollars. He turned pro in he’s 6 foot 1.
Pete Sampres Pete Sampres known to be the second best tennis player of all time. Pete Sampres started his tennis career in 1988 and retired in His birthday is Augest 12. He made 43 million dollars in his career. Pete Sampres won 14 grand slams or opens.
Rod Laver Rod Laver known to be the third best tennis player of all time. Rod laver started his career in 1962 and retired in His birthday is Augest 9. He made 1,500,000 dollers in his career. He won 8 opens then stoped playing for 3 years then came back and won 7 more then retired. He was 5 foot 8. He was the only tennis player too ever win a golden grandslam.
Novak Djokavic Novak Djokavic almost broke the record of the most matches won in a row. He turned pro in He made 36 million dollars in his career. His birthday is May 22. He won 5 opens. Djokavic is rank 1 in the world this date is March
Andre Aggasi Andre was a good amarican tennis player in fact one of the best players to play the game of tennis. Andre turned pro in 1986 and retired in His birthday is April He’s won 8 opens. He made 31 million dollars in his career.
Andy Murry Andy Murry’s birthday is May He turned pro in Andy made 20 million dollars in his career. He was born in England. His highest ranking ever was 2 nd in the world.
Glossary OOpen TThere are 4 opens and they are the biggest tournaments of the year GGrand slam SSame thing as a open RRoland garros FFrench open the french open is one of the grand slams