chemistry-secrets-2009.html Pete Hollamby retired Head of Chemistry, St. Cyres School now: Innovation and Engagement Coordinator School of Chemistry Cardiff University
chemistry-secrets-2009.html HEFCW - £32,000 outreach activities & curriculum support Main projects Uncovering Chemical Secrets Chemistry in a Van Careers Conference Additional projects RSC/SEP Two, DVDs of chemical reactions Undergraduate support for Infra-Red spectroscopy CPD training for school teachers on ICT National Conference for school chemistry teachers
chemistry-secrets-2009.html A workshop, run jointly by Cardiff University and Techniquest Introduces methods chemists use to isolate and identify chemical compounds. Highly relevant to the A level curriculum. Students use modern laboratory equipment to isolate their own samples and then see how modern ‘state-of-the-art’ techniques and instrumentation are used for analysis Uncovering Chemical Secrets
chemistry-secrets-2009.html Chemistry in a Van – Flash Bang Wallop Show Developed to entertain and engage students of all ages but with a coherent theme matched to chemistry curricula. Further extended as a touring show with funding from HEFCW as part of RSC’s “Chemistry for our Future” (CFOF) Future shows Carmarthen Aberystwyth
chemistry-secrets-2009.html Chemistry IS our Future Year 10 Careers Conference, 30th June 2009 Hosted by Cardiff University and the University of Glamorgan …… attended by 350 pupils from 14 schools
chemistry-secrets-2009.html “Uncovering Chemical Secrets” a practical workshop, run annually by Techniquest and Cardiff University. It helps 2nd year A level students appreciate the methods chemists use to isolate and identify chemical compounds. It is relevant to the schools’ curriculum and involves the isolation of natural substances, associated with taste and smell in certain plants. Students use modern laboratory equipment to isolate their own samples and then visit the School of Chemistry to see how modern ‘state-of-the-art’ techniques and instrumentation are used to determine purity and give clues to chemical structure. With funding from HEFCW, we have been able to produce a comprehensive e-learning resource to support the project. This resource is being offered to every secondary school in Wales. This is particularly important because not all schools in Wales can easily visit a tertiary institution to get this level of support for a level chemistry. The resource can usefully support pupil study if they are unable to visit a university. What follows is a series of ‘screen dumps’ from a small part of the resource which hopefully gives an accurate idea of nature and scope of the resource. NB The videos and animations from the resource do not function in this PowerPoint ‘preview’.
The Uncovering Chemical Secrets project and e-learning resource was devised and produced by Peter Hollamby and Peter Edwards of the School of Chemistry, Cardiff University. For information on ordering a copy of the resource see the separate word document E-Learning Support on the news page of the school’s website.E-Learning Support